Sci Fi Movie And TV QuizFree Printable Sci Fi Trivia Questions
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In the Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back," what did the Millennium Falcon fly into to escape the Imperial fighters?
a. Black Hole b. Space Station c. Meteor d. Asteroid Field
Asteroid Field - The giant worm-creature that tries to eat the ship as they leave is actually someone's hand inside a puppet.
In the original 1968 film "Planet of the Apes," who plays the role of the chimpanzee archaeologist and historian Cornelius?
a. James Daly b. Roddy McDowall c. Charlton Heston d. David Watson
Roddy McDowall - Planet of the Apes was remade by Tim Burton and released in 2001.
In the film "Star Trek - The Motion Picture," what was the name of the mysterious entity that was threatening Earth?
a. Tyranus b. Cobalt c. Cygnus d. Vejur
Vejur - Vejur turned out to be an old NASA probe named Voyager 6.
In the classic sci-fi film "2001 - A Space Odyssey," what did the computer HAL find out was to happen by reading Bowman and Poole's lips?
a. They were abandoning the ship b. He was being disconnected c. They were returning to Earth d. Ship was going explode
He was being disconnected - He read their lips as they discussed it in a pod.
What is the not-so-classic film "Night of the Lepus" about?
a. Giant grasshoppers attacking a town b. Giant spiders attacking a town c. Giant beetles attacking a town d. Giant rabbits attacking a town
Giant rabbits attacking a town - The film used footage of bunny rabbits hopping into miniature buildings.
In which 1990 sci-fi movie did we see Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon being terrorized by gigantic, hungry worms?
a. Slither b. Feast c. What Waits Below d. Tremors
Tremors - Kevin Bacon plays the role of Valentine 'Val' McKee and Fred Ward plays Earl Basset.
How long did it take the evil aliens to defeat the combined armies of the human race in the 2000 sci-fi film "Battlefield Earth"?
a. 9 days b. 9 hours c. 9 weeks d. 9 minutes
9 minutes - Battlefield Earth was based on a novel by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.
Which actress from the TV sitcom "Friends" played Alice in Alien Love Triangle and Julie in Masters of the Universe?
a. Lisa Kudrow b. Christina Pickles c. Courteney Cox d. Jennifer Aniston
Courteney Cox - Courteney Cox also played the role of Gale Weathers in the horror series Scream.
In which movie world might you read the newspaper headline - "T-Rex Tramples Tourists"?
a. Jurassic Park b. I Am Number Four c. Avatar d. Godzilla
Jurassic Park - Despite all the hype about the film's special visual effects, there was only six minutes worth in the entire movie.
In the 2002 sci-fi movie "Signs," what common everyday substance were the alien invaders vulnerable to?
a. Water b. Soil c. Air d. Germs
Water - Considering 70 percent of Earth is covered in water, they should have thought twice before invading!
Played by Malcolm McDowell, what does Alex call his gang of thugs in "A Clockwork Orange"?
a. Droogs b. Yarbles c. Banshees d. Doodles
Droogs - Published in 1962, A Clockwork Orange was based on a novella by Anthony Burgess.
What is the model number of the terminator cyborg in the 1984 sci-fi film "The Terminator"?
a. Cyberdyne Systems Model 301 b. Cyberdyne Systems Model 201 c. Cyberdyne Systems Model 401 d. Cyberdyne Systems Model 101
Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 - All Model 101s look like Schwarzenegger.
Which actor played the first personification of the Doctor in Doctor Who, from 1963 to 1966?
a. Jon Pertwee b. Patrick Troughton c. Tom Baker d. William Hartnell
William Hartnell - According to the story line, the first Doctor played by Hartnell regenerated into the second Doctor played by Troughton.
Set in the year 2517, what space drama TV series follows the adventures of the renegade crew of the spaceship Serenity?
a. V b. Andromeda c. Babylon 5 d. Firefly
Firefly - Much to its fans disappointment, Firefly was cancelled just eleven episodes into the first season.
Airing for two seasons in 2000 to 2001, in which sci-fi TV series would you see enormous, heavily weaponized flying robots named "Baileys"?
a. Cleopatra 2525 b. Roar c. Earth 2 d. Legend of the Seeker
Cleopatra 2525 - Jennifer Sky played the role of Cleopatra (Cleo).
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