Roman Gods Trivia QuizLiterature Trivia Questions and Answers -
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Who was the Roman goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and education?
a. Epona
b. Minerva
c. Ceres
Who was the Roman god of Love?
a. Cupid
b. Dionysus
c. Eros
Venus was the Roman goddess of which of the following - Animals,
Beauty or Plants?
a. Beauty
b. Plants
c. Animals
Who is the Roman god of the sea?
a. Neptune
b. Sebastian
c. Triton
In Greek culture, Zeus is the ruler of the gods. Which Roman god is
the ruler?
a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Zeus
What was Juno the goddess of?
a. Luck
b. Sleep
c. Children
The Roman god of war is...?
a. Ares
b. Flora
c. Mars
Apollo was the god of what?
a. The Sun
b. Smoke
c. Animals
What were "The Muses" know for?
a. Destruction
b. Eternal life
c. Singing
Cerberus guarded the underworld. What type of beast was he?
a. A three headed dog
b. A giant snake
c. A winged horse

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