Random Trivia Questions IIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
Which product was the first one to be advertised with a slogan
"Love it or hate it"?
Why was India banned from playing in the world soccer championships
in 1950?
What's the percentage of people living in the northern
Chuck Wepner's story inspired a movie. What movie was that?
In regional hockey games in the US there's a tradition right before
Christmas to throw certain objects after the first goal. What sort of objects?
What is the capital of Lithuania?
What is Barbie's middle name?
The size of a CD is 120 millimeters in diameter. The creator of the
CD chose it specifically so it could contain one music piece. Which piece was that?
What part of a lamb is not included in the traditional Scottish
meal, haggis?
What is the code for Somalian currency?
What is the coldest capital in the world?
What phobia did the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, have?
What is the most common blood type?
How many nuclear bombs has the US has officially lost?
In which two countries is the population of Roman Catholics the
How old was the youngest mother in history?
Mike Tyson loves a certain species of animals. It was also the
reason why he got into boxing when he was 11 years old. What animal?
Many Japanese people believe that this certain characteristic of
the human body can affect your fate, similarly to the Western belief in astrology. What is it?
What was the official profession of Al Capone?
The three biggest mafia organizations in Italy are Cosa Nostra,
Camorra and 'Ndragheta. Which region does 'Ndragheta operate in?

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