Potpourri VIGeneral Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Who coached the Green Bay Packers to their first Superbowl Victory?
What character did Anthony Edwards play on ER?
What is the capital of New York?
Who is country singer Tim McGraw married to?
Which is not one of the 4 C's of a diamond, Carat, Cost, Clarity or Cut?
What is the English translation of the Japanese word Kamikaze?
Christopher Reeves starred in a remake of what Hitchcock movie?
Who did Dorothy meet first in the Wizard of Oz?
Who played Eddie the Hells Angel in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
In what year did construction on the Panama Canal begin?
What was the first movie the Beatles made?
How did boxer Rocky Marciano die?
What Dutch river is also the name of a beer?
In what city could you find the headquarters of Interpol?
Who was the host of the show Fear Factor?

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