Pop Music Trivia Questions XFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Music Trivia
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Every day I'm shuffling. In 2011, what band brought us Party Rock
What Green Day frontman was kicked off a Southwest flight for
wearing saggy pants?
What widely derided song by Starship was the first #1 song written
by Bernie Taupin without Elton John as his writing partner?
Sampling the Clash song "Straight to Hell", what song's gunshots
were censored out during a performance on the Letterman show?
What rapper started out as a biracial Jewish kid from Toronto's
wealthy Forest Hills suburb?
What composer, known for his work on Star Wars and with Steven
Spielberg, had grandchildren who formed a band called the Belle Brigade?
In 1995, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon overdubbed their
dead lead singer's final piano and vocal recordings to create what band's ghoulishly named Made in Heaven
In 2010 who got the same heart outline on her right pinkie finger
that her father Billy Ray got?
Less famous cover versions of this Dolly Parton song include one by
Linda Ronstadt. Elvis nearly recorded it, too, but wanted half the publishing rights. What song is it?
Per the lyrics of his biggest hit, who also promises to never let
you down, run around and desert you, make you cry, say goodbye, or tell a lie and hurt you?
"What 80s metal band reluctantly recorded a cover of Slade's Cum On
Feel the Noize, so much so that singer Kevin DuBrow deliberately sang it loud and out of tune?
What rapper was actually a Muslim from Tallahassee named Faheem
Rasheed Najm?
Whose 2011 concert in New Zealand rocked so hard that it caused
earthquake-like tremors detected by nearby seismic stations?
Woo-hoo! What Blur song, written and recorded in less than 15
minutes as a warm-up, was a huge hit, but made 20 times as much money from licensing?
Inspired by the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy, what Sacramento
dance-punk band adopted a name that makes them nearly un-Google-able?

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