Pop Culture Trivia Questions XXXIIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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In 2010, Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas seem to have
discovered something interesting about Twitter hashtags. What?
a. Shorter ones are more popular
b. Half of them are misspelled
c. 80percent of them see 80percent of use in 80 hours
d. Blacks and whites used different ones
Blacks and whites used different ones - They looked at the 10 most popular tags and found, for instance,
that #oilspill attracted mostly whites and #cookout mostly blacks.
It was Michael Baulderstone, not Peter Parker, who was dressed
as what superhero when he stopped a man from stealing comics in Adelaide, Australia, in 2010?
a. Spider-Man
b. Wolverine
c. Superman
d. Batman
Spider-Man - About 40 people were dressed up in the comic book store for International Free Comic Day.
What was the first film to be nominated for Oscars for both
Best Foreign Language Film and Best Picture?
a. Life is Beautiful
b. Z
c. The Passion of the Christ
d. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Z - Made by a Greek director in French, it was considered an Algerian movie.
What song/dance set the record for most-viewed YouTube video
ever with more than 1 billion views (and still counting) in 2012?
a. Gangnam Style
b. Wildest Moments
c. Superpop
d. Call Me Maybe
Gangnam Style - Recorded by the South Korean musician PSY.
What star of The Odd Couple and Quincy ME set up a chain of
popcorn places, after popcorn had helped him lose weight?
a. Jack Klugman
b. Jack Lemmon
c. Walter Matthau
d. Tony Randall
Jack Klugman - They were called Jack's Corn Cribs, but only lasted a couple of years.
The Watchmen were based on characters from what comic book
line, which DC acquired in the 1980s?
a. Timely Comics
b. Atlas Comics
c. Harvey Comics
d. Charlton Comics
Charlton Comics - Alan Moore's original plans would have removed Blue Beetle, Captain Atom and The
Question from the rest of the DC line.
What movie was Wes Craven inspired to create after reading
about men in Southeast Asia who were literally dying from their nightmares?
a. Nightmare on Oak Street
b. Nightmare on Birch Street
c. Nightmare on Pine Street
d. Nightmare on Elm Street
Nightmare on Elm Street - Called bangungot, dab tsog, laitai and hukuri it is known medically as SUDS,
short for Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome. It killed 230 Thai men from 1982-90.
Which Zappa had been an MTV VJ, but was fired after trashing
MTV on Howard Stern's show?
a. Moxie Crimefighter Zappa
b. Pilot Inspektor Zappa
c. Dweezil Zappa
d. Apple Zappa
Dweezil Zappa - He also hosted a cooking show with then-girlfriend Lisa Loeb on the Food Network.
After the credits of the first Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack
Sparrow gets cursed after removing a medallion from the Aztec chest. It's not the pirate Jack Sparrow, though.
Who or what is it?
a. The stranded ghost when Jack comes back to life
b. The monkey named for Jack
c. Jack Sparrow Junior, his son
d. The ship he stole from Port Royal
The monkey named for Jack - After the second movie, we see that dog who had been chased by the natives,
becomes their new god, sitting on a throne with a bone in his mouth.
Thanks to archival footage of The Courtship of Eddie's Father,
seen in the background, what dead actor cameos in one of the Hulk movies?
a. Ron Howard
b. Richard Thomas
c. Bill Bixby
d. Ray Walston
Bill Bixby - He played the Hulk on TV, along with Lou Ferrigno, who cameos as a security guard.
Frank Sinatra's last TV appearance, playing himself, was on the
February 1989 "Party Double" episode of what series?
a. Who's the Boss
b. Roseanne
c. Cheers
d. The Cosby Show
Who's the Boss - Danza's real-life mom had said she'd know her son was a star when he introduced her to
Sinatra. He treated her like a queen.
The gossip website wwtdd.com stands for "What Would Tyler
Durden Do? This is in reference to a character in what movie?
a. Taxi Driver
b. American Pie
c. Fight Club
d. The Big Lebowski
Fight Club - He was Brad Pitt's character.
The very first of these awards ever presented, back in 1949,
went to a ventriloquist named Shirley Dinsdale. What had she won?
a. Tony
b. Golden Globe
c. Pulitzer
d. Emmy
Emmy - She was the Most Outstanding Television Personality for her work on the show Judy Splinters.
What was iTunes top selling album of 2012?
a. Up All Night, One Direction
b. 21, Adele
c. Red, Taylor Swift
d. Babel, Mumford & Sons
21, Adele - Red by Taylor Swift was the second bestselling album for the year.
In 2012, what company purchased Lucasfilm, including the
popular Star Wars franchise, and announced a new Star Wars film for 2014 release?
a. Disney
b. 20th Century Fox
c. DreamWorks
d. Universal Studios
Disney - Mickey Mouse is the official mascot of The Walt Disney Company.

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