Pop Culture Trivia Questions XIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Frank Sinatra died on the same night as which TV show's finale,
which his daughter Nancy was watching the night he died?
a. Cheers!
c. Seinfeld
d. Mary Tyler Moore
Mathematician Danica McKellar co-wrote the Chayes-McKellar-Winn
theorem, a proof regarding two-dimensional magnetism. Before that, she was Winnie on what TV show?
a. What's Happening
b. The Wonder Years
c. Full House
d. That 70s Show
Who was nominated for Oscars twice in the same year, in 2003, both
times for playing 1950s housewives?
a. Julianne Moore
b. Jessica Lange
c. Sigourney Weaver
d. Holly Hunter
Ke Mo Sah Bee was a camp in Michigan. What two characters called
each other Kemo Sabe?
a. Batman and Robin
b. Tintin and Captain Haddock
c. Lone Ranger and Tonto
d. The Green Hornet and Kato
Bradys or Partridges? The issue was settled in 2002 when Danny
Bonaduce entered the "Celebrity Boxing" ring against Barry Williams. Which TV family came out on top?
a. Brady
b. Partridge
c. Neither
d. Both
What star was at the center of a fad begun in 1993 at the
University of Pennsylvania, where students tried to connect actors through pairs of co-stars?
a. Kevin Bacon
b. Samuel L Jackson
c. Christopher Lee
d. Ted McGuinley
Dennis Ketcham was sent to a Swiss boarding school to address his
learning disabilities. What comic strip did he inspire?
a. Doonesbury
b. Beetle Bailey
c. Dennis the Menace
d. Peanuts
Who reputedly turned down chances to play Han Solo, James Bond,
Michael Corleone, Randall Murphy and Trapper John ... and nearly turned down the role in "Boogie Nights" for
which he was Oscar-nominated?
a. Sylvester Stallone
b. Donald Sutherland
c. Burt Reynolds
d. Robert De Niro
You talking to me? In what movie did Robert De Niro adapt a scene
from "Shane" and improvise Travis Bickle threatening himself in a mirror?
a. Goodfellas
b. Mean Streets
c. Taxi Driver
d. The Godfather
In Pirates of the Caribbean, who tried to play Captain Jack Sparrow
as a mix of Keith Richards and Pepe LePew?
a. Ethan Hawke
b. Johnny Depp
c. Brendan Fraser
d. Matt Damon
Donald Sinclair, the real-life hotel manager at the Gleneagles
Hotel in Torquay, inspired which member of Monty Python to create Basil Fawlty?
a. Eric Idle
b. John Cleese
c. Terry Jones
d. Michael Palin
Despite what you saw in this movie, in real-life DJ Adrian Cronauer
was a by-the-book military man who later campaigned for George W Bush. What movie?
a. WKRP in Cincinnati
b. Good Morning, Vietnam
c. The Fisher King
d. Private Parts
Who condemned both anti-Semitism and "Zionism hoodlums" when she
won a 1977 Best Supporting Actress Oscar for "Julia"?
a. Vanessa Redgrave
b. Jane Fonda
c. Susan Sarandon
d. Barbra Streisand
Who played the evil President Alan Richmond in Absolute Power, and
the retired President Monroe "Eagle" Cole in Welcome to Mooseport?
a. Clint Eastwood
b. Gene Hackman
c. Jack Lemmon
d. James Garner
In a 1978 comic book drawn by Neal Adams, Superman lost his powers
in a match under a red sun and got the stuffing knocked out of him by what boxer?
a. Muhammad Ali
b. Joe Louis
c. Rocky Marciano
d. Mike Tyson

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