Planes And Flight Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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In 1804, what "father of aerodynamics" is credited with building
the first successful glider?
a. George Cayley
b. Orville Wright
c. Leonardo da Vinci
d. Thomas Edison
How does a plane use Bernoulli's principle?
a. To fly in darkness
b. To maximize revenue per seat
c. To get off the ground
d. To land safely
A plane's ailerons trade lift on one wing for drag on the other.
What happens then?
a. The plane reverses
b. The plane banks
c. The plane takes off
d. The plane descends
In 1938, Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan blamed dense clouds and
compass failure when his flight from New York failed to land in California. Where did he land instead?
a. Tokyo, Japan
b. London, England
c. Toronto, Ontario
d. Havana, Cuba
What airport is abbreviated ORD because it was once known as
Orchard Field?
a. LAX
b. O'Hare
c. Heathrow
d. JFK
In a Lockheed Vega named Winnie Mae, what was Wiley Post the first
person to do in 1933?
a. Bail out of an airplane
b. Fly a jet airplane successfully
c. Fly solo around the world
d. Fly over the North Pole
During World War I, which country's pilots would you most likely
have found in a SPAD?
a. Italy
b. France
c. Germany
d. Japan
Most aircraft are classified as fixed wing. But which of these
would be rotary wing?
a. Helicopter
b. Jet
c. Airship
What is the difference between a dirigible and a blimp?
a. Dirigibles use helium
b. Dirigibles are rigid
c. Dirigibles are much, much smaller
d. Dirigibles are British
Which of these is not one of the four primary forces acting on an
a. Lift
b. Drag
c. Yaw
d. Thrust
For what leader is a major Paris airport named?
a. Napoleon
b. Charles De Gaulle
c. Charlemagne
d. Robespierre
What did the "DC" stand for in the names of such planes as the
a. District of Columbia
b. Direct Continental
c. Douglas Commercial
d. Don't Crash
Although Alberto Santos-Dumont was from a family of Brazilian
coffee barons, he was the first person to fly in what continent, doing so in 1906?
a. Europe
b. Asia
c. North America
d. Australia
Thomas Selfridge holds what unfortunate aviation distinction?
a. First person to be bumped from a flight
b. First person to get airsick
c. First person to die in a plane crash
d. First pilot shot down in war
Most airports have three-letter abbreviations. In what country do
almost all of these abbreviations begin with the letter Y?
a. Canada
b. Yugoslavia
c. Japan
d. Great Britain

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