Paranormal Trivia Quiz IIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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How many suits are in a tarot deck?
a. 2
b. 10
c. 4
d. 6
4 - These suits are often called swords, cups, staves and pentacles.
What is the general purpose of dowsing?
a. Talking to ghosts
b. Exercising ghosts
c. Spell casting
d. Searching for water and hidden objects
Searching for water and hidden objects - Dowsers often use a "Y" shaped stick when they are dowsing.
Where is the "Hollow Earth Research Society" located?
a. China
b. Canada
c. Sweden
d. Denmark
Canada - One theory states that the entrance to Hollow Earth is located in Antarctica.
What paranormal event is Kecksburg famous for?
a. Bigfoot
b. The White Witch
c. UFO
d. Mothman
UFO - In 1965, a UFO was sighted by thousands across six states and in Canada. Residents of Kecksburg
claimed that the object crashed near their town.
According to paranormal researchers, which of these statements
is NOT true about white lady ghosts?
a. They are seen all over the world
b. Often found at the sight of a tragedy
c. They are often thought to be harbingers
d. They are always seen in pairs
They are always seen in pairs - White ladies have been the subject of a number of famous paranormal
In which of these years did a UFO allegedly crash in
Spitsbergen, Norway?
a. 1911
b. 1890
c. 1921
d. 1946
1946 - German newspapers reported another crash landing near the town in 1952 as well.
What was seen in the sky travelling between Middleburg and
Witbank in 2009?
a. Four green ovals
b. Seven black and red ships flying in a diamond formation
c. Two formations of red-orange objects
d. One silver saucer
Two formations of red-orange objects - This sighting occurred in February 2009. More of these objects
were seen in March 2009.
Who was the author of the book "Beyond the Light"?
a. Ronald Sprinkle
b. Antonio Boas
c. Harold T Wilkins
d. Elizabeth Klarer
Elizabeth Klarer - The book is about Elizabeth's alleged alien abduction.
Betty and Barney Hill were an American couple who claimed they
were abducted by aliens. Where did they claim they were when the incident occurred?
a. South Dakota
b. Delaware
c. Michigan
d. New Hampshire
New Hampshire - This alleged incident happened in 1961.
Where would you have to go to see Mokele-Mbembe?
a. India
b. Congo River
c. Peru
d. The Alps
Congo River - The creature has been the subject of a number of books and movies. However, no one has
ever been able to get a picture of the animal.
The top-secret MJ-12 Documents contain information about what
paranormal topic?
a. Aliens
b. Ghosts
c. Sea Monsters
d. The Bermuda Triangle
Aliens - Declared to be completely bogus by the FBI, these documents are also sometimes referred to as
the Majestic 12 documents.
Which paranormal creature is described as being a biped with
wings that emits a blood-curdling scream?
a. The Jersey Devil
b. Mokele
c. Ogo Pogo
d. Nessie
The Jersey Devil - This creature is said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.
In the 1700s, what did doctors believe Mary Toft had birthed?
a. A child with hooves
b. A winged child
c. Rabbits
d. A mermaid
Rabbits - After an intense investigation, Mary eventually confessed to being a fraud.
Where does the lake monster Selma live?
a. Brazil
b. Kenya
c. Canada
d. Norway
Norway - Selma is said to live in Lake Seljordsvatnet.
What object did Al Cobb believe was the source of the
paranormal happenings in his house?
a. Bed
b. Dresser
c. Trunk
d. Desk
Bed - He bought the bed for his son.

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