NHL Stanley Cup Trivia QuizSports Trivia Questions - Printable
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What was the original name of the Stanley Cup?
a. Canada Cup
b. The Junior Memorial Cup
c. Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup
d. The Dominion of Canada Cup
Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup - This cup was awarded to the top amateur hockey team in Canada.
In what year was the Stanley Cup first awarded?
a. 1904
b. 1884
c. 1893
d. 1915
1893 - Lord Stanley of Preston donated the cup.
How many times have the Montreal Canadians won the Stanley Cup?
a. 8
b. 36
c. 14
d. 24
24 - The Montreal Canadians hold the record for the most wins.
Why was the Stanley Cup not awarded in 1919?
a. Flu Epidemic
b. Civil War
c. World War I
d. Depression
Flu Epidemic - In 1918, there was a deadly outbreak of what was called the Spanish Flu.
Why was the Stanley Cup not awarded in 2005?
a. Lockout
b. Global warming
c. War
d. Epidemic
Lockout - The lockout lasted through the 2004/2005 season.
Who was the first team to have their name engraved on the
inside of the cup?
a. Ottawa Senators
b. Montreal Wanderers
c. Vancouver Millionaires
d. Portland Rosebuds
Montreal Wanderers - The Montreal Wanderers had their name placed on the inside of the cup in 1907.
Who is the current Stanley cup trustee?
a. P.D. Ross
b. Ian Morrison
c. Clarence Campbell
d. Cooper Smeaton
Ian Morrison - Ian Morrison was appointed in 2002.
Whose name is spelled five different ways on the Stanley Cup?
a. Yvan Cournoyer
b. Dickie Moore
c. Wayne Gretzky
d. Bill Quackenbush
Dickie Moore - Richard Winston 'Dickie' Moore won the cup for the first time in 1953.
What was the name of the hockey team that was founded by Lord
Stanley's sons?
a. Rideau Rockets
b. Ottawa Hurricanes
c. Rideau Hall Giants
d. Ottawa Rideau Hall Rebels
Ottawa Rideau Hall Rebels - One of Lord Stanley's sons was also involved in the formation of the Ontario
Hockey Association.
In what year was the name of the Toronto Maple Leafs name
a. 1948
b. 1963
c. 1952
d. 1977
1963 - In 1963, the name of the team was spelled the Toronto Maple Leaes.
There have been a number of mistakes on the Stanley Cup. Which
player was the first to have their name corrected?
a. Dino Ciccarelli
b. Adam Deadmarsh
c. Joe Nieuwendyk
d. Cyclone Taylor
Adam Deadmarsh - This correction occurred in 1996.
Whose name was crossed off the Stanley Cup?
a. Basil Pocklington
b. Punch Broadbent
c. Eddie Gerard
d. Russell Bowie
Basil Pocklington - Team owner Peter Pocklington had his father's name put on the cup in 1984. Basil's
name was covered over by 'Xs'.
Which of these players' name is misspelled on the Stanley Cup?
a. Ted Kennedy
b. Hap Day
c. Charlie Conacher
d. Steamer Maxwell
Ted Kennedy - Ted Kennedy's name was spelled Ted Kennedyy.
Which team's name was misspelled on the cup in 1972?
a. Boston
b. Colorado
c. Toronto
d. Montreal
Boston - In 1972, the word Boston was spelled Bqstqn.

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