Music Trivia Questions VIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Chuck D, Professor Griff and DJ Lord are all members of which rap
a. DMX
b. De La Soul
c. Public Enemy
d. E-40
Music is broken into district periods or eras. Which period follows
the baroque era?
a. Classical
b. Romantic
c. Renaissance
d. Medieval
In a traditional theatre or opera house, what do you call the area
where the orchestra sits?
a. The Green room
b. The Pit
c. The lower tier
d. The orchestra box
Joan Baez is often classed as which kind of musician?
a. Folk
b. Classical
c. Punk
d. Romantic
When did MTV go on the air?
a. 2000
b. 1995
c. 1981
d. 2005
The flute belongs to which family of instruments?
a. String
b. Brass
c. Woodwind
d. Percussion
Tom Sawyer became a megahit for which band?
a. Aerosmith
b. Cheap Trick
c. Rush
d. Styx
Which decade is sometimes referred to as the Jazz Age?
a. The Thirties
b. The Fifties
c. The Twenties
d. The Eighties
Which composer is known to have made daily visits to the Red
Hedgehog Tavern?
a. Schubert
b. Bach
c. Brahms
d. Chopin
Which of these men was a noted Jazz pianist?
a. Count Basie
b. Ricky Ford
c. Archie Shepp
d. Hal Stein
The magazine Rolling Stone is based in which country?
a. Canada
b. United States
c. Great Britain
d. Australia
Folk metal often involves traditional instruments. Which of these
folk metal bands includes the bagpipes?
a. Skyforger
b. Battlelore
c. Moonspell
d. Holy Blood
Why was Snoop Dogg banned from Norway for two years?
a. Trying to carry in marijuana
b. Being drunk and disorderly at the airport
c. Trying to carry in cocaine
d. Destroying his hotel room
Which of these is not a percussion instrument?
a. Bedug
b. Conga
c. Cor Anglais
d. Davul
What was Bob Dylan's last name at birth?
a. Zimmerman
b. Furnier
c. Summer
d. Dwight

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