Mother's Day Trivia QuizPrintable Mother's Day Trivia Questions
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On what day is Mother's Day celebrated in the United States, Australia and Canada?
a. First Sunday of May b. Fourth Sunday of May c. Third Sunday of May d. Second Sunday of May
Second Sunday of May - It is celebrated on fourth Sunday in Lent in the UK.
In the Roman Catholic Church, the holiday is strongly associated with admiration for whom?
a. Delilah b. Virgin Mary c. Eve d. Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary - There are a total of 188 named women in the bible.
What President made Mother's Day an official national holiday in the United States?
a. George Washington b. Woodrow Wilson c. John F. Kennedy d. Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson - In 1914.
Mother's Day is the biggest holiday in the United States for?
a. Greeting Card Sales b. Flower Sales c. Chocolate Sales d. Long-distance Telephone Calls
Long-distance Telephone Calls - Valentine's Day is the busiest day for florists.
What is the traditional Mother's Day flower in the United States?
a. Rose b. Carnation c. Sunflower d. Tulip
Carnation - The tradition started in 1906 when Anna Jarvis started wearing her mother's favorite flower, a white carnation.
What is the highest documented number of children born to one mother?
a. 59 b. 39 c. 69 d. 49
69 - Mrs. Vassilyev had 69 children between 1725 and 1765.
What is the traditional Mother's Day flower in Australia?
a. Rose b. Chrysanthemum c. Daisy d. Carnation
Chrysanthemum - The flower's name ends in 'mum', which is a common affectionate shortening of the word 'mother' in Australia.
According to recent polls, Mother's Day ranks where in terms of most popular holidays?
a. Fourth b. Third c. Second d. First
Third - Right behind Christmas and Easter.
The youngest recorded mother is Lina Medina, who gave birth to a boy in Lima, Peru in 1939. How old was she at the time?
a. 8 b. 6 c. 5 d. 7
5 - Five years and seven months to be exact.
As of 2010, most births occurred in what month in the United States?
a. June b. September c. July d. May
September - In 2010, more babies arrived in September than in any other month.
In the bible, who is credited with being "Mother of All the Living"?
a. Mary Magdalene b. Eve c. Delilah d. Virgin Mary
Eve - Eve was the first woman created by God.
On average, how many diaper changes will a mother perform by a baby's second birthday?
a. 5,300 b. 7,300 c. 4,300 d. 6,300
7,300 - About 10 a day.
What percent of babies are born on their due date?
a. Five percent b. Ten Percent c. Fifteen Percent d. Twenty Percent
Five percent - Boy babies outnumber girl babies.
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