Medieval Life History Quiz IIHistory Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Who would make announcements at a tournament?
a. Bottler
b. Bailiff
c. Harker
d. Fletcher
Harker - Another word for harker is herald.
Which of these items would have been worn only by women?
a. Amigaut
b. Hose
c. Touret
d. Kilt
Touret - This piece of clothing would have been worn on a woman's head. It was a kind of veil.
Whose job was it to manage the farm, estate or castle?
a. Fletcher
b. Ewerer
c. Chancellor
d. Bailiff
Bailiff - Medieval bailiffs were the peasant's representative to the lords.
Who would have acted as a dentist in medieval times?
a. Herbalist
b. Barber
c. Cottar
d. Astrologist
Barber - A barber would have also often acted as a blood-letter and a surgeon.
What would you do with a pottage?
a. Eat it
b. Build with it
c. Play it
d. Wear it
Eat it - Pottage was a kind of soup that was often made by peasants.
Where was the "ashlar" in a castle?
a. Kitchen
b. Church
c. Outer wall
d. Basement
Outer wall - The ashlar was made of square stones that were shaved and fitted together.
Which of these things would have been made of wool?
a. Marling
b. Louvre
c. Fosse
d. Gambeson
Gambeson - A gambeson was a piece of clothing that was worn under armor.
In medieval times, what was often used to allow smoke to escape
from buildings?
a. A louvre
b. A petrary
c. A mangonel
d. An onager
A louvre - The other items are weapons.
Who would have worn a mafor?
a. A nobleman
b. A lady
c. A priest
d. A knight
A lady - A mafor was a kind of veil.
Which of these people was not a medieval entertainer?
a. Bard
b. Minstrel
c. Chancellor
d. Jester
Chancellor - Minstrels and bards were musicians.
What kind of horse was used for jousting?
a. Destrier
b. Clydesdale
c. Morgan
d. Arabian
Destrier - Palfreys were riding and cart horses.
What was another term for a porter?
a. Page
b. Squire
c. Potter
d. Janitor
Janitor - One of the porter's jobs would have been to grant people access to the castle.
What was a spinster in medieval times?
a. A stone mason
b. A wool spinner
c. A cook
d. A horse trainer
A wool spinner - In later years, the word spinster came to mean an old unmarried woman.
In medieval times, which one of these people was taught to read
and write?
a. Minstrel
b. Scribe
c. Cobbler
d. Knight
Scribe - Many scribes were part of religious orders.
Who would have received alms?
a. The poor
b. The lord
c. The priest
d. A bridegroom
The poor - Alms are described as something freely given to the poor.

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