Literature Trivia Questions VFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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In the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, which of these things doesn't go
with a book of verses when you're sitting under a bough?
Who is the only playwright (as of 2006) to win the Tony (for The
Last Night of Ballyhoo), as well as the Oscar and the Pulitzer Prize (both for Driving Miss Daisy)?
In the William Styron title, what must Sophie Zawistowska do?
What author of "Death of a Salesman" directed productions of that
play in Sweden and China?
For adapting "Pygmalion", who is the only Nobel literature laureate
also to win an Academy Award?
Wide Sargasso Sea tells the story of Creole heiress Antoinette
"Bertha" Cosway, the madwoman in the attic in what Charlotte Bronte book?
What do you win if you're picked in the Shirley Jackson story "The Lottery"?
Who wrote such novels as "Zabibah and the King" and "The
Impregnable Fortress"?
Talk about plans going gang aft aglee! In what John Steinbeck novel
does a "mentally challenged" farm worker kill the boss's daughter-in-law before being killed himself by his
best friend?
What SF author is incorrectly said to be the only author to have
published books in all ten categories of the Dewey Decimal System?
Hedwig the Angry Inch was a cult movie. Hedwig the Owl was whose
In Wonderland, what soup ingredient tells Alice that it studies
"the different branches of Arithmetic--Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision"?
His first book was a smash hit, but whose unpublished second book
argued for tossing over the South Tyrol Germans to cement an alliance with Italy?
Plagued by hallucinogenic visions, what SF writer wrote "A Scanner
Darkly" (which became a semi-animated film), "Minority Report" (which became a Tom Cruise movie), "We Can
Remember It For You Wholesale" (on which Total Recall was based) and "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
(aka Blade Runner)?
What friend of F Scott Fitzgerald's, whose last book was also about
Hollywood, happened to die the day after Fitzgerald did, just before Christmas 1940, possibly because he was
so grief-stricken he ran a stop sign?

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