Literature Trivia Questions IILiterature Quiz Questions - Printable
Literature Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
In what year was Encyclopedia Britannica first published?
What Harrison Ford film was based on Phillip K Dicks novel "Do
Androids Dream of Sheep"?
What film was based on Phillip K. Dicks short story, "We can
Remember it for you wholesale"?
Which famous author proclaimed at New York customs "I have nothing
to declare, but my Genius!"?
In what year was the Printing Press invented?
What was Stephen King's First published Novel?
Who wrote the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
In what year was the first Guinness Book of World Records
Who is the first ghost seen in "A Christmas Carol"?
How many old testament books, found in the bible, begin with the
letter "P"?
Which James Bond movie was actually based on the first James Bond
According to the fairy tale, how many of the seven dwarves wore
According to the Bible, What angel appeared to Mary to tell her she
was to bear the son of god?
What author coined the phrase "Big Brother is Watching You"?
Who wrote the novel, "Great Expectations"?
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