Kids Trivia Questions XIIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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How many pieces are used in a game of backgammon?
a. 15
b. 1
c. 20
d. 5
Which musical includes the song My Favorite Things?
a. The Sound of Music
b. My Fair Lady
c. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
d. Singing in the Rain
Which nursery rhyme character had an empty cupboard?
a. The old women in the shoe
b. Mother Hubbard
c. Mother Goose
d. Jean Sprat
Odette is the name of the Princess in which classic tale?
a. Swan Lake
b. The Nutcracker
c. The Tin soldier
d. The Brave Little Tailor
Which of the following is a liquid at room temperature?
a. Carbon
b. Helium
c. Mercury
d. Hydrogen
Which Roman god ruled the oceans?
a. Poseidon
b. Pluto
c. Neptune
d. Mars
In the traditional folk song, who asks Miss Mouse to be his
a. Froggy
b. Rabbit
c. Squirrel
d. Turtle
Who wrote the children's classic, Alice's Adventures in
a. Lewis Carrol
b. Alexander Dumas
c. Emily Bronte
d. Charles Dickens
Which popular board game has tokens into which you place
a. Othello
b. Trivial Pursuit
c. Clue
Which princess was held captive in a high tower?
a. Snow White
b. Jasmine
c. Rapunzel
d. Sleeping Beauty
What is the capital of Argentina?
a. Buenos Aries
b. Lima
c. Quito
d. Cairo
Which children's show had a regular named Minister Green Jeans?
a. Captain Kangaroo
b. Mister Roger's Neighborhood
c. Howdy Doody
d. Barney
Who says "They're!"?
a. The Pillsbury Dough Boy
b. Tony the Tiger
c. Charlie Tuna
d. Toucan Sam
Where does Peter Pan live?
a. Neverland
b. Middle Earth
c. Narnina
d. Wonderland
According to the nursery rhyme, what does Mary use to help her
garden grow?
a. Silver bells
b. Love
c. Water
d. Sunshine

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