Kids Trivia Questions E25Free Trivia Questions - Printable
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What kind of fruit contains "milk"?
a. Breadfruit
b. Coconut
c. Starfruit
d. Avocado
Coconut - Younger fruits contain more water, than the older ones.
Which food "explodes" when it is heated?
a. Pickles
b. Apples
c. Corn
d. Walnuts
Corn - Corn pops due to the water inside of its kernels.
On the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants", what kind of creature
is Sandy?
a. A cat
b. A lobster
c. A starfish
d. A squirrel
A squirrel - Sandy is a scientist.
What is the capital of Alabama?
a. Dover
b. Boise
c. Montpelier
d. Montgomery
Montgomery - Alabama became a State in 1819.
Where does the Mississippi River end?
a. The Gulf of Mexico
b. The Gulf of Alaska
c. The Atlantic
d. The Pacific
The Gulf of Mexico - The word Mississippi comes from the Ojibwa. It means Great River.
Bogota is the capital of which nation?
a. Laos
b. Columbia
c. India
d. Libya
Columbia - Columbia is in South America.
What, according to common myth, are elephants afraid of?
a. Vultures
b. Hyenas
c. Mice
d. Water
Mice - Elephants will avoid these tiny creatures.
Which famous explorer's ship was called the "HM Bark
a. Juan de Fuca
b. Sebastian Cabot
c. Christopher Columbus
d. James Cook
James Cook - James Cook was a British explorer.
What is a penny-farthing?
a. A coin
b. A toy
c. A candy
d. A bike
A bike - This bike had an enormous front wheel and a tiny back one.
On the show Sailor Moon, what was the name of Sailor Moon's
a. Queen Jupiter
b. Queen Serenity
c. Queen Venus
d. Queen Tranquility
Queen Serenity - Sailor Venus and Sailor Venus are guardians.
According to the nursery rhythm, what did old Mother Hubbard
find in the Cupboard?
a. A sack of grain
b. Nothing
c. A bag of flour
d. A bone
Nothing - The poor dog did not get anything because the cupboard was bare.
In which movie would you find the characters Arthur Hoggett,
Duchess and Ferdinand?
a. Charlotte’s Web
b. Finding Nemo
c. Tangled
d. Babe
Babe - This movie is about a pig who wants to be a sheepdog.
How did the Swiss Family Robinson end up stranded on an island?
a. They were doing research
b. Shipwreck
c. Hot air balloon
d. Airplane crash
Shipwreck - The family was supposed to go to Australia, but their ship was sunk during a storm.
Which nation gave the world spaghetti?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Brazil
d. Kenya
Italy - The largest bowl of Spaghetti was made in Garden Grove, California. The bowl used 13, 780 pounds
of pasta.
What color is vermillion?
a. Yellow
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Green
Green - Other shades of green are light, forest, Kelly and olive.
What is the top color on a standard traffic light?
a. Green
b. Red
c. Blue
d. Yellow
Red - Green is on the bottom.
What kind of animal is a parakeet?
a. Bird
b. Frog
c. Salamander
d. Dog
Bird - A parakeet is a small parrot.

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