Kids Trivia Questions #24Free Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What toy was launched over 80, 000 feet into the outer reaches
of the Earth's atmosphere in January of 2012?
a. A ninja turtle
b. A slinky
c. A Barbie doll
d. A Lego man
A Lego man - The entire journey into the blackness of space, including its descent was recorded with
attached cameras. The film lasts 97 minutes.
What is the name of the character, which hosts the Muppet Show?
a. Miss Piggy
b. Kermit
c. Fozie Bear
d. Animal
Kermit - Jim Hensen created the Muppets.
What does a Botanist study?
a. Fish
b. Antiques
c. Birds
d. Plants
Plants - An ichthyologist studies fish and their importance to the planet.
A Half-Pipe is a structure that is used in which of the
following sports?
a. Sailing
b. Soccer
c. Boxing
d. Skateboarding
Skateboarding - The structure is also used by snowboarders.
What is the name of the chart that lists all the known elements
throughout the world?
a. The Noble Chart
b. Candlestick Chart
c. Periodic Table
d. The Earth Table
Periodic Table - Dmitri Mendeleev is normally given credit for publishing the first table.
In Spanish, I am "La Fresa". What am I in English?
a. A dog
b. A table
c. Salt
d. A strawberry
A strawberry - A wild strawberry is called a fragaria.
Which children's movie features the characters Hiccup and
a. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
b. How to Train your Dragon
c. Lilo and Stitch
d. E. T.
How to Train your Dragon - Based on a novel by C. S. Lewis, the movie was released in 2010.
If you were in England and wanted to buy something at the
store, what type of coin would you need?
a. A yen
b. A dollar
c. Rubble
d. A pound
A pound - The pound sterling is also used in the South Sandwich Islands and Guernsey.
What is the name of the body of water that separates England
from mainland Europe?
a. The Bering Strait
b. The Strait of Magellan
c. The Strait of Gibraltar
d. The English Channel
The English Channel - The English Channel is a little over 550 km long.
What well know figure lives in Vatican City?
a. Queen Elizabeth II
b. Jospeh Stalin
c. The American President
d. The Pope
The Pope - Vatican City is located within the city of Rome.
Which of these items is an herb?
a. Ajwain
b. Massicot
c. Bazzite
d. Kainite
Ajwain - Ajwain is a carom seed.
Which of these is not a planet?
a. Apollo
b. Mars
c. Venus
d. Jupiter
Apollo - Most of the planets were named after Greek or Roman Gods.
What was Sebastian Cabot's claim to fame?
a. War General
b. Explorer
c. Painter
d. Writer
Explorer - Cabot was born in the Venetian Republic in 1474. He once was employed by Henry VIII as a
cartographer at Greenwich.
What would you do with "gazpacho"?
a. Eat it
b. Use it
c. Wear it
d. Play it
Eat it - Gazpacho is a cold tomato based vegetable soup popular in Spain.
What is jigging?
a. A sport
b. A type of music
c. A type of measurement
d. A kind of fishing
A kind of fishing - Cod are often caught using a jigging technique.
Who was the 21st President of the United States?
a. Chester A. Arthur
b. William McKinley
c. William Howard Taft
d. Andrew Johnson
Chester A. Arthur - Arthur was born in 1829, in Fairfield Vermont.

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