Kids Christmas Trivia QuestionsFree Christmas Trivia Questions and ANswers - Printable Christmas Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Where do Christmas crackers come from?
The candy cane is frequently hung on the Christmas tree. What was the original flavor of the candy cane?
When did electric lights first appear on Christmas trees?
According to the Australian Christmas song, who gets a special Christmas flight with Santa?
If you were to visit Santa at the North Pole, what animal would you not see?
If you want a kiss at Christmas, what plant should you stand under?
What kind of food is hidden on the Christmas tree as a game?
According to the bible (Mathew), wise men brought how many gifts to Jesus when he was born?
Where was Jesus born?
According to the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", how many pipers were there?
In the Christmas movie "A Muppet Christmas Carol", what role does Miss Piggy play?
How many days does a traditional Christmas last?
Who is Santa's helper in Holland?
How many ghosts visit Scrooge?
How did the wise men find the baby Jesus?
Who was Mary's husband?
In the cartoon version of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", who pulls the Grinch's sleigh?
What does Alvin want Santa to bring him for Christmas?
What creepy creature is lucky on Christmas Day?
What does Tiny Tim say in the movie a Christmas Carol?
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