Kids Animal Trivia QuestionsFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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What kind of animal lives mainly on bamboo shoots?
a. Wombat b. Elk c. Kangaroo d. Panda bear
Panda bear - Pandas live in China.
What is a female elephant called?
a. Ewe b. Mare c. Cow d. Jenny
Cow - A mare is a horse.
Which of these snakes is not poisonous?
a. Rattle b. Cobra c. Asp d. Mud
Mud - Corn snakes are also not poisonous.
Which of these animals is not part of the "dog" family?
a. Hyena b. Jackal c. Possum d. Wolf
Possum - Hyenas are found in Africa.
What kind of animal lives in a pride?
a. Wolf b. Water buffalo c. Lion d. Bear
Lion - Lion live in prides. The female lions do the hunting.
What do carnivores eat?
a. Plants b. Fruit c. Insects d. Meat
Meat - Lions, dogs and sharks are all kinds of carnivores.
What kind of creature produces black ink?
a. Vampire bat b. Squid c. Tarantula d. Porcupine
Squid - Releasing ink is a part of a squid's defense system.
What is a rhinoceros' horn made of?
a. Scale b. Bone c. Cartilage d. Hair
Hair - Rhinos are found in Africa.
What does a tadpole turn into?
a. Snail b. Perch c. Turtle d. Frog
Frog - Frogs lay eggs, which become tadpoles.
How fast can a dragonfly fly?
a. 25 mph b. 50 mph c. 100 mph d. 10 mph
50 mph - Dragonflies are some of the fastest insects.
How long do hippos live?
a. 15 years b. 5 years c. 45 years d. 100 years
45 years - Hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa.
What do you call a group of tigers?
a. A coven b. An ambush c. A pod d. A murder
An ambush - Tiger usually hunt alone at night.
How many kinds of bats are there?
a. About 400 b. Lee than 25 c. About 50 d. Over 900
Over 900 - There might be as many as 1,200 different kinds of bats in the world.
What kind of creature would attack a blue whale?
a. Sea turtles b. Eclectic eels c. Sharks d. Polar bears
Sharks - Blue whales are also killed by killer whales and ships.
Leatherheads and loggerheads are what kind of animal?
a. Spider b. Bat c. Turtle d. Frog
Turtle - Sea turtles lay their eggs on land.
What animal's name means, "Twig Eater"?
a. Moose b. Beaver c. Woodpecker d. thrush
Moose - Moose are the largest members of the deer family.
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