June Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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When does the astrological summer start?
June was named after the Roman goddess Juno. She was the goddess of
What is the zodiac sign for the beginning of June?
Which saint in the Christian calendar is celebrated on the 24th of
Many countries around the world celebrate the 1st of June as...
Which of the following is NOT a birthstone for June - Ruby,
Alexandrite or Moonstone?
What is Germinal?
"All June I bound the ___ in sheaves, Now, ___ by ___, I strip the
leaves." What flowers does Robert Browning Hamilton refer to?
Who wrote the book, "A girl named June"?
Which month of the year always starts on the same day of the week
as June?
Who was Kamehameha, whose day is celebrated on the 11th of June in
Which of the following countries does NOT celebrate its
Independence Day in June - Philippines, Slovenia or Hungary?
Meitheamh is the name for June in which country?
The first day of June in Iceland is Fisherman's Day. Who is the
saint patron of fishermen?
What is the zodiac sign for June 22nd to July 22nd?
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