James Bond Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Who is the creator of James Bond?
a. Donald Hamilton b. Ian Fleming c. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle d. Tom Clancy
Ian Fleming - Ian Fleming also wrote the classic story Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
What is the title of the first James Bond novel?
a. Casino Royal b. You Only Live Twice c. Goldfinger d. From Russia, with Love
Casino Royal - The second novel was Live and Let Die.
Where was Ian Fleming's estate Goldeneye located?
a. Jamaica b. Fuji c. Scotland d. The Virgin Islands
Jamaica - This estate was purchased by Bob Marley 12 years after Ian's death. Many of the Bond novels were written there.
How many James Bond films did Sean Connery take part in?
a. 6 b. 9 c. 1 d. 3
6 - Sean's last film as James was Diamonds Are Forever.
In the classic, You Only Live Twice, James is sent to recover what kind of craft?
a. A super tank b. A jet plane c. A submarine d. A spacecraft
A spacecraft - This movie was released in 1967. It starred Sean Connery.
According to the Bond story, how were James' parents killed?
a. Mountain climbing b. During WWI c. IRA bombing d. Car crash
Mountain climbing - They were killed in the French Alps.
What is James Bond's favourite drink?
a. Champagne b. Scotch c. Rusty Nail d. Martini
Martini - He likes a vodka martini.
There have been many Bond girls. Which one did James actually marry?
a. Honey Ryder b. Tatiana Romanova c. Teresa di Vicenzo d. Sylvia Trench
Teresa di Vicenzo - Teresa was killed in a drive by shooting shortly after the marriage.
James Bond is a British agent, who does he work for?
a. Control b. Scotland Yard c. M16 d. The Queen’s Guard
M16 - Bond has a licence to kill.
Which James Bond movie was the first to star Roger Moore?
a. Moonraker b. Goldfinger c. The Spy who Loved Me d. Live and Let Die
Live and Let Die - The film was adapted from the novel of the same name.
Who is the evil villain in the Bond story Live and Let Die?
a. Max Zorin b. General Gogol c. Mr. Big d. Karl Stromberg
Mr. Big - Mr. Big turns out to be Dr. Kananga in disguise.
In the James Bond movie, The World is Not Enough, whom is Bond supposed to protect?
a. King Edward b. President Ford c. Bill Gates d. Elektra King
Elektra King - The World Is Not Enough was released in 1999.
Which James Bond movie has James investigating attempts to start a war between China and the UK?
a. Thunderball b. For Your Eyes Only c. Tomorrow Never Dies d. Moonraker
Tomorrow Never Dies - Eliot Carver sinks a British ship and makes it look as though it was the work of a Chinese fighter.
Which of these Bond movies features the evil group SPECTRE?
a. The Man with the Golden Gun b. Dr. No c. Thunderball d. You Only Live Twice
Thunderball - In this film, SPETRE has managed to get two nuclear bombs.
Who disappears in the James Bond movie Dr. No?
a. Jack Spang b. Vesper Lynd c. John Strangways d. Sir Hugo Drax
John Strangways - John is the Commander of the M16 base located in Jamaica.
In the classic Bond movie Diamonds are Forever, what is the name of the group, which is smuggling diamonds?
a. SPECTRE b. The Spangled Mob c. The KGB d. The Renards
The Spangled Mob - The gang is headed by the Sprangs.
In the James Bond story You Only Live Twice, James is injured in an explosion. What injury does he suffer?
a. Amnesia b. Temporary blindness c. A broken hand d. He loses two fingers
Amnesia - James works as a fisherman while he is recovering. He travels to the Soviet Union to learn the truth about himself.
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