Irish Culture and History Trivia IIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Prior to the twentieth century, leprechauns were often
portrayed wearing which color?
a. Yellow
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Orange
Red - Today most of leprechauns are dressed in green.
If caught, what does a leprechaun offer to gain his release?
a. Three wishes
b. Takes his captor to fairyland
c. Forty pieces of silver
d. Tells the person's future
Three wishes - Leprechauns are, according to legend, related to fairies. They are often linked with
the Tuantha De Danann, another mythical race.
According to legend, what do leprechauns make?
a. Shoes
b. Cheese
c. Hats
d. Wine
Shoes - Leprechauns are cobblers. They love to make shoes and are frequently portrayed with a
hammer in one hand and a shoe in the other.
What is generally considered to be St. Patrick's birth name?
a. John
b. Andrew
c. Edward
d. Maewyn
Maewyn - It is believed that when St. Patrick was born, his given name was Maewyn Succat. The
Romanized version of his name was Patricius.
In Ireland, if you want the gift of the eloquence, the ability
to speak well and persuasively, what must you do?
a. Kiss a stone
b. Kiss a frog
c. Catch a leprechaun
d. Find a four leaf clover
Kiss a stone - This stone is called the Blarney Stone. It has become a huge tourist attraction in
Where is the famous Blarney Stone located?
a. Buckingham Palace
b. Windsor Castle
c. Scone Abby
d. Blarney Castle
Blarney Castle - The first building on this site was built in the tenth century and was made of
wood. In the 1200s, the structure was replaced with one that was made of stone.
What kind of rock is the Blarney Stone?
a. Bluestone
b. Slate
c. Sandstone
d. Granite
Bluestone - There are many theories about the stone's origin. Some claim it was once a part of the
Stone of Scone.
What is the lucky number of Ireland?
a. Twelve
b. Thirteen
c. Seven
d. Three
Three - Three is an important number in Celtic traditions. It represents past, present and future
and/or sky, earth and underworld.
Which colors are on the Irish flag?
a. Orange white and red
b. Green, white and orange
c. Green red and white
d. Orange red and green
Green, white and orange - The Irish flag is sometimes referred to as the Irish Tri-color. The flag
is, from left to right, green white and orange.
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a. Waterford
b. Belfast
c. Limerick
d. Cork
Belfast - Belfast is currently the largest city in Northern Ireland and is located in two counties.
Most of the city is in the county of Antrim. The word Belfast loosely translates to mean 'mouth of the
What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in Ireland?
a. Talt
b. Finn
c. Neagh
d. Beg
Neagh - This freshwater lake is about 150 square miles. This lake is very shallow and exposed, and
gets extremely rough on windy days.
What word do the Irish use instead of lake?
a. Fjord
b. Laga
c. Loch
d. Lough
Lough - According to the dictionary, a Lough is a lake or a partially protected bay. This word
originates in the 1500s and is the Anglo-Irish spelling of the word loch.
What is the national bird of Ireland?
a. None
b. Cormorant
c. Great Skua
d. Diver
None - Ireland does not have an official national bird, although some believe it to be the lapwing.
Ireland does have a large bird population but there are no endemic species of birds in Ireland.
Which of these mythical creatures is a part of Irish culture?
a. Tennin
b. Makara
c. Gins
d. Fir Bolg
Fir Bolg - According to Irish mythology the Fir Bolg arrived before the Tuatha De. Legend says that
these people were defeated in a four day battle, which is referred to as The Battle of Mag Tuired.
In the 1800s Ireland was hit with a famine. What food is
associated with this event?
a. Potato
b. Cabbage
c. Bread
d. Beef
Potato - The Great Potato Famine started in 1845 and lasted until 1852. During this time frame more
than a million people died and about 25 percent of the population fled the country. The cause of the famine was
a disease known as potato blight.

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Releated Quiz: Irish Culture and History Trivia
