Inventions and Innovations Trivia QuizScience Trivia Questions -
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When the first glue patent was issued, what was the main
a. Flour
b. Rubber
c. Fish
d. Tree sap
Fish - The patent was issued in 1750.
When was scotch tape invented?
a. 1894
b. 1886
c. 1900
d. 1930
1930 - Richard Drew was the inventor.
What did Willis Carrier invent?
a. Air conditioning
b. Air bags
c. Color television
d. Windshield wipers
Air conditioning - The first air conditioning unit was installed in 1902.
Who patented a calculating machine in 1885?
a. Edward Acheson
b. Percy Shaw
c. Thomas Fogarty
d. William Burroughs
William Burroughs - William improved his machine in 1892 by including a printer.
Which company designed the first cassette tape?
a. IBM
b. Samsung
c. Philips
d. Sony
Philips - The Philips Company demonstrated their tape in 1963.
When were the first lap-tops sold to the general public?
a. 1981
b. 1978
c. 1994
d. 1986
1981 - This year also marked the first year that the mouse became a regular part of the computer.
In what year was the first telephone book published?
a. 1954
b. 1921
c. 1878
d. 1906
1878 - The first book was published by the New Haven District Telephone Company.
When was the Apple Macintosh Computer introduced to the general
a. 1977
b. 1989
c. 1993
d. 1984
1984 - This computer came with a GUI.
What was the name of the first crash test dummy?
a. Chris
b. Rob
c. Tom
d. Sam
Sam - Sierra Sam was created in 1949.
What handicap did inventor Ralph Teetor suffer from?
a. Deaf
b. Muscular Dystrophy
c. Blind
d. Paralyzed
Blind - Ralph invented cruise control.
What was the name of the man who invented the first Thermos?
a. Fredericks
b. Robinson
c. Dewar
d. Cranston
Dewar - The Dewar flask was designed by Sir James Dewar.
Where did the first drive-in theatre open?
a. Delaware
b. Vermont
c. Iowa
d. New Jersey
New Jersey - The drive-in was created by Richard Hollingshead in 1933.
When was the first pair of wearable eye glasses invented?
a. 1892
b. 1284
c. 1456
d. 1678
1284 - The glasses were designed by an Italian named Salvino D'Armate.
Invented in 1893, where did the first Ferris wheel appear?
a. Paris
b. London
c. New York
d. Chicago
Chicago - The Ferris wheel was invented by George W. Ferris.
The first book, which outlined the difference between drowning
and strangulation, appeared in which country?
a. China
b. England
c. France
d. Germany
China - This book was the first to use medicine to help solve crimes and was the beginnings of

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