Human Body Trivia QuestionsScience Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What's the biggest organ in human body?
Skin - Skin is the largest organ in the human body, but the largest internal organ is the liver.
How much hair does a human grow on average during a lifetime?
15 meters (590 inches) - Hair and nails are made of the same substance.
What is the strongest bone in human body?
Thigh bones - The thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
What is the surface area of human lungs?
Equal to the size of the tennis court - A tennis court is about 260 square meters (2800 square feet).
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
The tongue - The tongue is the strongest muscle relative to its size.
Who has a better sense of smell - Men, Women or both the same?
Women - Smell and taste receptors allow you to feel the flavor.
What part of the human body doesn't change its size during a
person's lifetime?
The eyes - Human ears and nose grow during our whole lifetime.
How much genetic code do humans and sea sponges have in common?
70 percent - Humans and chimps share about 96 percent of their DNA.
What is melanin?
A pigment that determines your skin color - The production of melanin in human skin is called
How long did the longest lasting hiccups last?
68 years - Charles Osborne suffered from hiccups from 1928 until 1991.

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