Human Body Trivia Questions IIIScience Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How many taste zones does the human tongue have?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 9
d. 6
4 - The four zones are salty, sweet, sour and bitter.
How many muscles do you use when you smile?
a. 21
b. 6
c. 32
d. 14
14 - It takes 43 muscles to frown.
Where is the strongest muscle in the human body?
a. The back
b. The jaw
c. The arm
d. The leg
The jaw - The strongest muscle is the masseter muscle.
How many teeth does a normal adult have?
a. 46
b. 32
c. 26
d. 18
32 - Children have 20 first teeth.
How many joints are in the human body?
a. 210
b. 160
c. 230
d. 180
230 - There are many kinds of joints including hinged, pivot, fused and ball and socket.
What percent of the human body is water?
a. 40
b. 60
c. 20
d. 90
60 - Men are about 60 percent and woman 55 percent.
How long are the large intestines?
a. 16 feet
b. 12 feet
c. 5 feet
d. 10 feet
5 feet - The small intestines are about twenty-five feet long.
How many chambers are in the human heart?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 2
d. 6
4 - The heart is a hollow muscle, which pumps blood throughout the body.
How many bones are in an adult skull?
a. 28
b. 42
c. 64
d. 12
28 - There are 6 ear bones, 14 facial and 8 cranial.
Where is the fibula located?
a. Chest
b. Arm
c. Leg
d. Head
Leg - The fibula is one of the bones in the lower leg.
What is the name of the largest artery in the human body?
a. Iliac
b. Renal
c. Lumbar
d. Aorta
Aorta - The aorta originates from the left ventricle of the heart.
Which of the following words is associated with the kidneys?
a. Audio
b. Renal
c. Ortho
d. Cardio
Renal - The word renal comes from Latin.
Which of these is another term for white blood cells?
a. Leukocytes
b. Veiled
c. Dendritic
d. Platelets
Leukocytes - White blood cells help the body fight disease.
How many pairs of chromosomes are there is the human body?
a. 32
b. 27
c. 17
d. 23
23 - Twenty-two of these pairs are called autosomes.
Where is the tympanic membrane?
a. Ear
b. Eye
c. Throat
d. Intestines
Ear - This is a cone shaped membrane, which separates the middle ear and the external ear.

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