Household Pets Trivia QuizAnimal Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which household pet was frequently used in religious
a. Chameleon
b. Bearded dragon
c. Siberian hamster
d. Guinea pig
Guinea pig - Guinea pigs were also used for medicinal purposes.
Which household pet could you clean with a toothbrush?
a. Gerbil
b. Rabbit
c. Hedgehog
d. Ferret
Hedgehog - A brush is often used to clean debris between the spines.
Most breeds of cats can jump up to what percentage of their
a. 1500 Percent
b. 1000 Percent
c. 100 Percent
d. 500 Percent
500 Percent - Cats can also travel up to 30 mph over short distances.
What is another name for the parakeet?
a. Budgie
b. Lovebird
c. Dove
d. Canary
Budgie - Budgies are a small seed-eating parrot.
Which of these birds sell for over $800 (2013)?
a. Cockatiel
b. Finch
c. Finch
d. Cockatoo
Cockatoo - A cockatiel will sell for about 80 dollars.
Which of these household pets would enjoy meal worms?
a. Gerbil
b. Chinchilla
c. Hamster
d. Hedgehog
Hedgehog - There are seventeen different kinds of hedgehogs.
Which of these pets is native to the Andes Mountains?
a. Hamster
b. Chinchilla
c. Ferret
d. Gerbil
Chinchilla - Chinchillas live in colonies in the Andes Mountains.
Which of these household pets is near sighted and colorblind?
a. Parakeet
b. Cat
c. Ferret
d. Hamster
Hamster - Hamsters are omnivores.
Which of these pets comes from Central Chile?
a. Ferret
b. Hamster
c. Coral snake
d. Degu
Degu - Degus are sometimes called brush-tailed rats.
Which household pet is sometimes called a cavy?
a. Spiny tailed mouse
b. Lop eared bunny
c. Red slider turtle
d. Guinea pig
Guinea pig - Guinea pigs are rodents, which belong to the family caviidae.
Which household pet varieties include the leatherback, citrus
tiger and the German Giant?
a. Parakeet
b. Snake
c. Turtle
d. Bearded dragon
Bearded dragon - Bearded dragons are a medium sized lizard.
Which of these fish do not require a heater in their aquarium?
a. Cherry barb
b. Siamese fighting fish
c. Butterfly
d. Angel
Siamese fighting fish - These fish can live in water, which is kept at room temperature.
Which of these household pets often loves to swim?
a. Chinchilla
b. Hamster
c. Hedgehog
d. Mouse
Hedgehog - Hedgehogs like to have warm water.
Which household pet was brought from China to Paris in the 19th
a. Degu
b. Gerbil
c. Coral snake
d. Ferret
Gerbil - These creatures were often referred to as desert rats.
Which fish was imported by Dr. George S. Myers in 1936?
a. Zebra pleco
b. Loach catfish
c. Neon Tetra
d. Red tailed shark
Neon Tetra - These popular fish like to live in schools.
Which of these terms best applies to the iguana?
a. Herbivore
b. Granivore
c. Carnivore
d. Omnivore
Herbivore - Iguanas are native to Central America and Mexico.
Which animal likes to take dust baths?
a. Chinchillas
b. Hamsters
c. Gerbils
d. Ferrets
Chinchillas - Since it is dangerous to get a chinchilla wet, a dust bath is the other alternative.

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