History Trivia Questions XXVIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
In what year did Paul Revere make his famous ride alerting the
Colonial militia to the approach of British forces?
a. 1865
b. 1752
c. 1806
d. 1775
1775 - Paul was a silversmith.
Who was dubbed the Lady of the Lamp?
a. Mother Teresa
b. Laura Secord
c. Betsy Ross
d. Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale - Florence was dubbed Lady of the Lamp because she was a nurse who often did rounds
late at night during the Crimean War.
While speaking of a victory against Pharnaces of Pontus, which
famous person said the words "Veni, Vidi, Vici" ("I came, I saw, I conquered")?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Peter the Great
c. Nero
d. William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar - Julius was the emperor of Rome before his assassination.
If you counted all the battles that took place in Europe
throughout history, which country was the site of the most conflicts?
a. Belgium
b. Russia
c. France
d. England
Belgium - This small nation is located in Western Europe.
What famous treaty was signed in 1919?
a. The Treaty of Versailles
b. The Treaty of Den Haag
c. The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty
d. The Treaty of Moscow
The Treaty of Versailles - The treaty was signed ending World War I. It was between the Allied powers
and Germany.
In 1980, which famous hotel located in Las Vegas burned
resulting in over 80 deaths?
a. The Tropicana
b. The MGM Grand
c. The Riviera
d. The Flamingo
The MGM Grand - This fire caused the deaths of eighty-four people mostly from smoke inhalation.
Sam Houston was the President of which independent state?
a. Texas
b. Alaska
c. New Mexico
d. Florida
Texas - Sam was instrumental in getting Texas to join the United States.
In February of 1942, over 100,000 British and Australian troops
surrendered to what nation's forces on the island of Singapore?
a. Italy
b. Japan
c. Finland
d. Germany
Japan - Consider by many to be one of the British military's worst ever humiliations.
Where did the famous Borden murders occur?
a. Fall Rivers
b. North river
c. Green River
d. Twin Falls
Fall Rivers - Fall Rivers is in Massachusetts.
What was the name of the plane, which dropped the atomic bomb
on Nagasaki in 1945?
a. Little Boy
b. Enola Gay
c. Fat Boy
d. Bockscar
Bockscar - The correct name of the plane is Bockscar although in some places it has been spelled Bock's
Car or Boxcar.
At the young age of 24, Joseph Smith became the founder of
which religion?
a. Babism
b. Modern Wicca
c. Methodist
d. Mormon
Mormon - Joseph Smith was born in Sharon, Vermont in 1805.
In 1972, who tried to assassinate Governor George Wallace?
a. Jack Ruby
b. John Wilkes Booth
c. Sir Han Sir Han
d. Arthur Bremer
Arthur Bremer - The shooting left Wallace paralyzed.
Confessing shortly before his death to 30 homicides, when was
Ted Bundy executed?
a. 1996
b. 1989
c. 1998
d. 1972
1989 - Ted Bundy was executed in Florida.
What did Nebuchadnezzar II build?
a. The Great Pyramid of Giza
b. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
c. The Leaning Tower of Pisa
d. The Taj Mahal
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - The hanging garden is considered to be one of the wonders of the
ancient world.
Which Pope only held the title for thirty-three days?
a. John Paul I
b. St Pius X
c. Benedict XV
d. John III
John Paul I - This was the shortest reign of any Pope.

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