History Trivia Questions XXIVFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of which country?
a. Peru
b. Russia
c. Germany
d. Argentina
Russia - Gorbachev was in office from the 15th of March to the 25th of December 1991.
How many children did Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln have?
a. 4
b. 0
c. 7
d. 2
4 - Their children were Robert, Edward, William and Thomas.
Skeleton Canyon was the site where which Native American
a. Hiawatha
b. Hawk Eye
c. Sitting Bull
d. Geronimo
Geronimo - Skeleton Canyon is in Arizona. It was here that Geronimo surrendered to General Miles on the
4th of September 1886.
Which one of Henry the VIII's wives was accused of witchcraft?
a. Mary
b. Anne
c. Elizabeth
d. Jane
Anne - Anne Boleyn was executed on the 19th of May, 1536. She was Henry's second wife.
Which war officially ended in 1949?
a. American Revolution
b. WWI
c. Spanish Civil War
d. Chinese Civil War
Chinese Civil War - The war started in 1927.
In 1862, 38 Native Americans were executed. Where did this
incident occur?
a. Minnesota
b. South Dakota
c. New Mexico
d. Arizona
Minnesota - According to the New York Times, the men danced and sang upon the gallows.
When did Annie Oakley tour with Buffalo Bill?
a. 1857
b. 1814
c. 1885
d. 1768
1885 - Annie joined the show in 1885. She was a sharpshooter.
What was the name of trade route between China and Europe?
a. The Silk Road
b. The Ho Chi Min Trail
c. The Orient Express
d. Pony Express
The Silk Road - The route was used to carry all kinds of goods. However, it also led to many diseases
being spread.
Which of these Presidents is buried in Washington?
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson - Wilson was the 28th President of the USA. He died in 1924.
In what year was Manuel Noriega removed from office?
a. 2004
b. 1997
c. 1972
d. 1989
1989 - Manuel was the military governor of Panama.
When the D-Day invasion began, who was the allied supreme
a. McArthur
b. Grant
c. Douglas
d. Montgomery
Montgomery - Bernard Montgomery was a British Army officer.
During the 1920s and 1930s, what did gangsters call the "Tommy
a. A squeezer
b. A hand mixer
c. A crankster
d. A Chicago piano
A Chicago piano - This term was used when people like Al Capone and Bugs Moran were in power.
In the 1890s, Japan and which other nation were referred to as
"The Yellow Peril"?
a. Korea
b. Thailand
c. Vietnam
d. China
China - This derogatory term was used to refer to the color of the people's skin.
Which Italian leader was known to have a fear of the "evil
a. Benito Mussolini
b. Victor Emmanuel III
c. Luigi Einaudi
d. Umberto I
Benito Mussolini - Mussolini was executed in 1945.

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