History Trivia Questions XXIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Charged with guarding harems, what castrated men got their
English name from the Greek word for "keeping the bed"?
a. Eunuchs
b. Janissaries
c. Mamelukes
d. Templars
Eunuchs - They also worked as chamberlains, on the notion they wouldn't seduce their charges. Many of
them became enormously powerful politically.
What would an Inca have done with knots tied on a string,
called a quipu?
a. Prayed with it
b. Hunted with it
c. Kept records with it
d. Cooked with it
Kept records with it - With no system of writing, the Inca instead used the quipu, a complex mnemonic
set of knotted, multi-coloured strings.
During Prohibition, Gentleman Jimmy Walker had his own table in
the wine cellar of 21, a famous speakeasy in what city, of which he happened to be mayor?
a. Miami
b. New York City
c. Chicago
d. New Orleans
New York City - The mayor was a charming songwriter whose corruption was exposed by Samuel Seabury.
Rupert's Land was named for Prince Rupert, the Bohemian-born
cousin of Charles II. In 1870, what country bought it?
a. United States
b. Canada
c. Brazil
d. Australia
Canada - Purchased from the Hudson's Bay Company, Rupert's Land sprawls the Canadian Shield and doubled
the size of Ontario and Quebec.
What 1775 battle did poet Ralph Waldo Emerson call the "shot
heard around the world", in a poem he wrote to dedicate an obelisk at the site?
a. Bunker Hill
b. Concord
c. Saratoga
d. Yorkton
Concord - The Battle of Concord was something of a fiasco. The Minutemen simply filled the air with shot
and then scattered.
When Adolf Hitler talked about Lebensraum, what did he have in
a. The drive to the east
b. The elite guard
c. More living space for Germans
d. All right thinking
More living space for Germans - Most of it was going to be in Eastern Europe, especially sparsely
populated Russia, which was dominated by Slavs that Hitler saw as inferior.
The advancing Soviets murdered 11,000 officers from what
country in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk?
a. Germany
b. Poland
c. Finland
d. Ukraine
Poland - The Soviets also sat back while the Polish Home Army exhausted itself taking Warsaw briefly in
In 1855, David Livingston discovered the Zambezi River as it
plunged down a gorge known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya. What did he name the waterfall?
a. Victoria Falls
b. Zambezi Falls
c. Angel Falls
d. Boyoma Falls
Victoria Falls - The local name means 'smoke that thunders'.
From 1701 to 1713, Europe was embroiled in what Americans call
Queen Anne's War. What do Europeans call it?
a. War of Spanish Succession
b. War of Venetian Succession
c. War of Austrian Succession
d. War of Hungarian Succession
War of Spanish Succession - The Peace of Utrecht had prohibited France and Spain from becoming a united
In 1839, the governor of Maine called out the militia and
grabbed disputed land, provoking the Aroostook War (aka the War of Pork and Beans) with whom?
a. New Brunswick
b. New Hampshire
c. Quebec
d. Massachusetts
New Brunswick - The 1783 Treaty of Paris left the border unclear. When a US settler named John Baker
declared the Republic of Madawaska, both sides started rattling at each other.
In the Viking world, futhark was a set of something, and the
word futhark comes from the first six members of that set. What did the Vikings use futhark for?
a. A pilgrimage route
b. An alphabet
c. A prayer rotation
d. A group of magic number
An alphabet - The runic alphabet was used to record great deeds and cast evil spells
Spain divided Latin America into four viceroyalties. Which was
the furthest south and had its capital in Buenos Aires?
a. Rio de La Plata
b. Peru
c. New Granada
d. New Spain
Rio de La Plata - New Spain covered what is now Mexico. In 1739, New Granada was hacked out of the
northern part of South America, Peru was the middle and in 1776, most of the south except for Chile became La
Trained by the US Marines during the US occupation, Rafael
Trujillo ruled what country for more than 30 years?
a. Paraguay
b. Nicaragua
c. Dominican Republic
d. El Salvador
Dominican Republic - The Americans occupied the island from 1916-24 (to keep away creditors) and
maintained Trujillo in power from 1930-61.
John Macarthur was featured on this country's $2 bill, even
though he led the Rum Rebellion against Governor William Bligh. What country is this?
a. Australia
b. Jamaica
c. Ireland
d. New Zealand
Australia - Throughout the 1800s, Australians demanded that the British end convict immigration, make
land easier to get, decrease church power and increase self-rule.
Lester Pearson remains the only Canadian to have won the Nobel
Peace Prize. And he won it for suggesting what organization that also won the Peace Prize?
a. UN Peacekeeping Forces
c. UN High Commission
d. International Red Cross
UN Peacekeeping Forces - Since then, Canada has participated in every mission of this type except UNOMIG
(the UN Observer Mission in Georgia).

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