History Trivia Questions XXFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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A Canadian, Arthur Brown, is often credited with what aviation
a. Being the first to fly across the Pacific
b. Shooting down the Red Baron
c. Inventing jet aviation
d. Creating the bush-pilot system
What form of writing, developed by the Sumerians, was named for
"wedge-shaped" impressions that the styluses made in clay?
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Roman letters
c. Cuneiform
d. Braille
What king had a summer palace at Potsdam called Sans Souci?
a. William the Conqueror
b. Peter the Great
c. Frederick the Great
d. Charles the Merely Adequate
Like Cher, Madonna and Elvis, Sukarno and Suharto went by just one
name. What country did they rule? (This being Sukarno and Suharto, not Cher or Elvis.)
a. Nepal
b. Burma
c. Indonesia
d. Japan
Founded by Vikings, what Ukrainian city on the Dnieper River was
once the Russian capital?
a. Minsk
b. Kiev
c. Moscow
d. St Petersburg
This country became the heart of Livonia, and sometimes these
people are still called Letts. Which one?
a. Latvia
b. Lithuania
c. Poland
d. Hungary
Who put his older brother Joseph on the throne of Naples (then
Spain), his younger brother Louis on the throne of Holland, and a third brother Jerome on the throne of
a. Charlemagne
b. Adolf Hitler
c. Napoleon
d. Frederic Barbarossa
Nearly a quarter of the prisoners of war in Andersonville died.
Where is Andersonville?
a. Ohio
b. Georgia
c. Illinois
d. Florida
Born in 1757, what famous Frenchman's name was Marie Joseph Paul
Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier?
a. Marquis de Lafayette
b. Robespierre
c. Marquis de Sade
d. Napoleon
When the 1824 election was thrown to the House, the Speaker, Henry
Clay agreed to a "corrupt bargain" that put who in the White House?
a. Grover Cleveland
b. Andrew Jackson
c. John Quincy Adams
d. William Henry Harrison
Who was the last Catholic king of Britain?
a. Richard III
b. William I
c. James II
d. George III
Inspired by the French Revolution, what country was transformed
into the Batavian Republic from 1795 to 1806?
a. Sweden
b. Poland
c. Netherlands
d. Ireland
In the late 1600s, what ruler tried touring Europe incognito, despite being a rather conspicuous
a. Charlemagne
b. Peter the Great
c. Richard the Lionhearted
d. Erik the Red
The Flavian Amphitheatre was nicknamed the Coliseum for whose
colossus, which once stood next door?
a. Nero
b. Augustus
c. Zeus
d. Jupiter

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