History Trivia Questions XIIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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After 14 appearances and $129,000, Columbia history professor
Charles Van Doren finally lost on "Twenty-One" when he couldn't answer this. "Who is the King of Belgium?"
What was the right answer?
a. Leopold
b. Albert
c. Baudouin
d. Elvis
In terms of percentage of the popular vote, who was the most
successful third-party presidential candidate?
a. Ross Perot
b. Theodore Roosevelt
c. Ralph Nader
d. George Wallace
What hockey playing presidential candidate strummed his bass for a
rock band called the Electras?
a. Bill Clinton
b. Al Gore
c. John Kerry
d. George W Bush
Just 49 when he became president, what workaholic sliced Mexico in
half and died in Nashville, just 103 days after leaving office?
a. James Polk
b. Millard Fillmore
c. Zachary Taylor
d. John Tyler
Of Iraq, who said this? "There are known unknowns. That is to say,
we know there are some things we do not know. But there also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't
a. George W Bush
b. Donald Rumsfeld
c. Condoleeza Rice
d. Dick Cheney
Despite admitting to having fathered an illegitimate son, I became
president anyway, largely because my Republican opponent, Maine's James Blaine, had taken $100,000 in railway
bribes. Who am I?
a. Grover Cleveland
b. Benjamin Harrison
c. Ulysses Grant
d. Rutherford Hayes
The first sitting president to visit Canada may have contracted the
food poisoning that later killed him in Vancouver, while en route from Alaska on a whistle-stop tour to
salvage his scandal-plagued presidency. Who?
a. Franklin Roosevelt
b. John Taylor
c. Warren Harding
d. WH Harrison
What future world leader once led a terrorist/freedom fighter group
called Irgun Zvai Leumi?
a. VI Lenin
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Menachem Begin
d. Nelson Mandela
Once a mighty capital, Babylon was on the Euphrates, just 55 miles
south of what less mighty modern capital on the Tigris?
a. Tehran
b. Istanbul
c. Baghdad
d. Jerusalem
Until the 1940s, what Asian nation had gone since the 1270s without
being invaded?
a. Philippines
b. Thailand
c. Japan
d. China
According to tradition, Marinus, a Christian stonecutter, founded
the world's oldest republic in AD 301. What is it?
a. Monaco
b. Luxembourg
c. San Marino
d. Liechtenstein
Which of these was not an NHL star, but was a president of
a. Franjo Tudjman
b. Pavol Demitra
c. Milan Hedjuk
d. Zigmund Palffy
Conspiracy theorists claim that Jesus faked the crucifixion,
married Mary Magdalene and was the ancestor of which country's Merovingian kings?
a. Spain
b. France
c. Scotland
d. Sweden
Talk about marrying well! Who is the only woman to marry men who
became kings of both France and England?
a. Eleanor of Aquitaine
b. Catherine de Medici
c. Catherine of Aragon
d. Mary, Queen of Scots
The rather crazy Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky once
vowed to recover which formerly Russian territory, which it sold off in 1867?
a. Alaska
b. Finland
c. Iran
d. Sakhalin

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