History Trivia Questions VFree Trivia Questions - Printable History
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After defying the Soviet Union, Alexander Dubcek went from being
which country's party secretary to its forestry minister?
What bachelor government official had a lifelong … um …
"relationship" with bachelor roommate Clyde Tolson?
What two countries ended up shooting at each other in the Chaco War
of the 1930s, after each of them issued stamps depicting the Chaco region as their own territory?
Which American city, the first to be run by a socialist, was ruled
by socialist mayors for all but 12 years between 1910 and 1960?
Which island is Peter Minuit famous for buying for only 60
guilders, albeit from a Brooklyn tribe called the Canarsee?
King Christian X rejected anti-Jewish legislation and reputedly
wore a Star of David, even though the Nazis were occupying what country of his?
In the 1760s, many British proposed trading Canada back to France
in exchange for what French possession?
Acadia, Albertsland, Albionora, Borealia, Britannia, Cabotia,
Colonia, Efisga, Hochelaga, Laurentia, New Britain, Norland, Superior, Transatlantia, Tuponia, Ursalia and
Victorialand were among the names considered for what country?
In the early 1400s, a Muslim named Cheng Ho took a Chinese fleet of
63 ships west. How far did he get?
With France down, Hitler wanted to knock out Britain and then turn
around to fight the Soviets. What was the planned invasion of Britain codenamed?
Who loved it when a plan came together, like when he massacred
50,000 Roman soldiers in a single afternoon at Cannae?
After seeing a bad 1934 movie with the Lady in Red, called
Manhattan Melodrama, whose night got worse when he was shot dead by the FBI outside Chicago's Biograph
The subject of a Boney M song, who was poisoned, shot and, for good
measure, drowned, by Prince Felix Yusupov and his buddies?
What Green Mountain state became the independent republic of New
Connecticut for a few months in 1777?
A tailor by trade, what minimally educated person was the only
president other than Bill Clinton to be impeached?

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