Historic American Events Trivia QuizHistory Trivia Questions -
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Who is often credited with making the first American flag in
a. Martha Washington
b. Beatrice Potter
c. Dolly Madison
d. Betsy Ross
Betsy Ross - In 1952, the United States Post Office issued a stamp to honor the 200th anniversary of her
Rationing went into effect during WW II on February 7, 1943,
limiting the number of shoes allowed to be purchased, per person, per year. How many?
a. Four pairs
b. One pair
c. Three pairs
d. Two pairs
Three pairs - War ration books and tokens were issued to each American family.
Which amendment to the Constitution, declared on December 18,
1865, abolished slavery?
a. The 13th
b. The 11th
c. The 10th
d. The 3rd
The 13th - The act abolished involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime.
On January 28 1986, a space shuttle exploded 73 seconds after
liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crewmembers. What was its name?
a. Enterprise
b. Challenger
c. Explorer
d. Columbia
Challenger - According to official records, the disaster was caused by a faulty O-ring seal that failed
at liftoff.
When did Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claim present-day
Florida for Spain?
a. April 8, 1493
b. April 8, 1483
c. April 8, 1503
d. April 8, 1513
April 8, 1513 - Juan Ponce de Leon is associated with the legend of the Fountain of Youth, which was
said to be in Florida.
What did Canadian militiamen do to the U.S. steamboat
"Caroline" on December 29, 1837 in New York harbor?
a. They destroyed and sank it
b. They christened it
c. They captured it
d. They towed it to Canada
They destroyed and sank it - They set the boat on fire and set her adrift whereby she plunged to her
destruction over the Falls.
Which Founder's first-of-its-kind Religious Freedom Act
abolished religious tests in Virginia in 1785?
a. Alexander Hamilton
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. James Madison
d. Samuel Adams
James Madison - James Madison was the fourth President of the United States.
Who was assassinated on April 15th, 1865?
a. James Garfield
b. Benedict Arnold
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. General Lee
Abraham Lincoln - John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater.
What did the United States buy on the 30th of April 1803?
a. Florida
b. Louisiana
c. Alaska
d. Texas
Louisiana - France sold 828, 000 square miles to the United States in 1803. The US paid less than three
cents a square acre.
Which nation attacked the United States in 1941?
a. Japan
b. Russia
c. Mexico
d. China
Japan - The attack occurred on the 7th of December 1941.
In 1973, the US ended its involvement with which nation?
a. Cuba
b. Vietnam
c. The Soviet Union
d. Iraq
Vietnam - The United States officially ended their involvement on August 15, 1973. The war in Vietnam
did not end until 1975.
When did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon?
a. 1973
b. 1962
c. 1956
d. 1969
1969 - Armstrong and Aldrin were a part of the Apollo II spaceflight, which landed on the moon on the
20th of July 1969.
On April 12th 1955, America announced that they had a
vaccination for which disease?
a. Measles
b. Polio
c. Small pox
d. Rabies
Polio - Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. made an announcement that the vaccination developed by Dr. Salk worked.
Which US government agency became operational on the 1st of
October 1958?
a. CIA
c. IRS
d. FBI
NASA - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration replaced the National Advisory Committee for
The House of Representatives rejected what proposal on January
12, 1915?
a. To give women the right to vote
b. To enter WW I in general terms
c. To join Britain in its war with Germany
d. To join France in its war with Germany
To give women the right to vote - Women got the right to vote in 1920.

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