Historic American Events Trivia Quiz IIHistory Trivia Questions -
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On August the 4th 1964, the United States became involved in a
sea battle. Whom were they fighting?
a. Japan
b. Russia
c. Germany
d. North Vietnam
North Vietnam - The event is referred to as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Who guided the "Lewis and Clark Expedition"?
a. Sacagawea
b. Henry Hudson
c. Daniel Boone
d. Davey Crocket
Sacagawea - Acting as an interpreter and guide, Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman.
During the War of 1812, the U.S. heavy frigate "USS United
States" captured which British vessel on October 25?
a. The Royal Yacht
b. The Scotsman
c. The Britannia
d. The Macedonian
The Macedonian - USS United States was armed with a battery of 55 guns.
When did astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D. Mitchell and
Stuart A. Roosa blast off for the moon aboard Apollo 14?
a. January 31, 1969
b. January 31, 1968
c. January 31, 1971
d. January 31, 1965
January 31, 1971 - Apollo 14 was the third manned mission to land on the Moon.
Where did George Washington take office as the first elected
President on April 30, 1789?
a. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
b. Williamsburg, Virginia
c. Washington, D.C.
d. New York City
New York City - Washington's tomb can be found at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
Who shot and killed former Black Muslim leader Malcolm X on
February 21, 1965 in Harlem, New York City?
a. The CIA
b. The NYC Police
c. Israeli Agents
d. Nation of Islam Members
Nation of Islam Members - Malcolm X's body received 21 gunshot wounds.
Where did President Lincoln and Confederate Vice President
Alexander H. Stephens hold a peace conference on February 3, 1865?
a. In the Boston Harbor
b. In Williamsburg, Virginia
c. At Freedom Hall in Philadelphia
d. Aboard a ship off Virginia's coast
Aboard a ship off Virginia's coast - Known as the 'Hampton Roads Conference', it was an unsuccessful
attempt to negotiate an end to the American Civil War.
Which state declared its independence from England on May 4,
1776, two months before the Declaration of Independence was adopted?
a. New Jersey
b. New York
c. Connecticut
d. Rhode Island
Rhode Island - Of the fifty states, Rhode Island is the smallest in area.
On the 2nd of April, which famous American refused to join the
army and fight in the Vietnam War?
a. Martin Luther King
b. Elvis Presley
c. Muhammad Ali
d. Jesse Jackson
Muhammad Ali - Ali was arrested on the same day. He was also stripped of his boxing licences.
On May 17th 1973, the Watergate Hearings began. Which President
was involved?
a. Clinton
b. Kennedy
c. Nixon
d. Ford
Nixon - The Senate Watergate committee was set up to investigate the Watergate burglaries.
An event known as "The Super Outbreak" began on the 3rd of
April 1974. What was this event?
a. A small pox epidemic
b. A conflict with Iraq
c. A prison riot
d. A tornado outbreak
A tornado outbreak - In a 24-hour period, 148 tornados touched down. They caused extensive damage in 13
On July 13-14 1977, which city suffered a major blackout?
a. New York
b. Las Vegas
c. San Francisco
d. Chicago
New York - The blackout was the result of lightning strikes. The first strike hit the Buchanan South
On the 4th of November 1979, how many Americans were taken
a. 93
b. 67
c. 52
d. 23
52 - The Americans were taken hostage in Iran. They were held captive for 444 days.
When did Mount St. Helen erupt?
a. August 10th, 1077
b. June 5th 1984
c. May 18th, 1980
d. September 27th 1992
May 18th, 1980 - The explosion and aftermath killed 57 people.
On February 26th 1993, which US landmark was bombed?
a. The World Trade Center
b. Wall Street
c. Harvard University
d. Los Angeles Times Building
The World Trade Center - On this date, a Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds of explosives went off at
12.17 pm. The truck was located in the underground garage.

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