Hard Trivia Questions XGeneral Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
In 1940, 10-year-old Juanita Wagner of Danville, Iowa, drew the
name of her new pen pal as part of a class project. Who was that pen pal?
a. Yoko Ono
b. Anne Frank
c. Germaine Greer
d. Margaret Thatcher
Anne Frank - Having died within a concentration camp, Anne was buried in a mass grave. The exact
whereabouts are unknown.
This is supposed to bring bad luck. And supposedly, people have
thought so, ever since this appeared in Leonard da Vinci's "The Last Supper". What is it?
a. Crossed forks
b. Spilled salt
c. Broken mirror
d. Black cat
Spilled salt - Leonardo's The Last Supper depicts Judas having knocked over the salt container.
I suffer from severe coulrophobia. Like, totally. So I freak
out when I see this person. Who?
a. Captain Crunch
b. Bugs Bunny
c. Batman
d. Ronald McDonald
Ronald McDonald - Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.
Originally called Pitcairn Airways, what now defunct airline
was run at varying times by WWI flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker and by NASA astronaut Frank Borman?
a. Pan Am
b. Eastern
c. American
d. United
Eastern - Frank Borman was the Commander of Apollo 8.
Sidney Poitier was born in Miami but raised nearby on Cat
Island. As a result, in April 1997, what country named Sidney Poitier to be its ambassador to Japan?
a. Cayman Islands
b. Jamaica
c. Bahamas
d. United States
Bahamas - Poitier is the first black person to win an Academy Award for Best Actor (1963).
Based on the US currency on which their portraits appeared,
which of these presidents is "worth" the most?
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. William McKinley
c. James Madison
d. Grover Cleveland
Woodrow Wilson - In 1934, Wilson appeared on the $100,000 bill.
I'm a strong believer in primogeniture. When I die, who gets my
Lady Di ceramic plate collection?
a. The community as a whole
b. My oldest son
c. My wife
d. My church
My oldest son - Primogeniture is the right of the firstborn son to inherit the entire estate.
When trying to translate the sound of its brand using Chinese
words, one of the options came out, "Bite the wax tadpole". It ended up going with "happiness in the mouth".
What is it?
a. McDonald's
b. Nestle
c. Oscar Meyer
d. Coca Cola
Coca Cola - Coca Cola is sold in every country in the world except Cuba and North Korea.
What strong Greek hero shares his name with a Colgate-Palmolive
cleanser that is "stronger that dirt"?
a. Clorox
b. Ajax
c. Comet
d. Windex
Ajax - Ajax was a hero in the Trojan War.
Based on the old system of ranking IQ, which of these people
would be the dumbest, despite occasionally being a "savante"?
a. Idiot
b. Genius
c. Moron
d. Imbecile
Idiot - A dunce is an idiot who is incapable of learning.
Created in 1865, what was the original mission of the Secret
a. Spy on staff at embassies
b. Stop counterfeiting
c. Hunt down Confederate guerrillas
d. Protect the president from assassins
Stop counterfeiting - Among its duties, the Secret Service is responsible for protecting the President.
The name of what bone is also an ancient name for Troy?
a. Coccyx
b. Malleus
c. Ilium
d. Cranium
Ilium - The Ilium is a bone in the pelvis.
On March 17, you might hear, "Kiss me, I'm Irish." What would
you hear on May 5?
a. Kiss me, I'm Italian
b. Kiss me, I'm Black
c. Kiss me, I'm Mexican
d. Kiss me, I'm Japanese
Kiss me, I'm Mexican - Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the United States and regionally in Mexico.
What "King of Torts" played a corruptor of youth in an episode
of the original "Star Trek" series, and appeared in the movie "Gimme Shelter" (in which youth actually were
a. Gerry Spence
b. Marvin Mitchelson
c. F Lee Bailey
d. Melvin Belli
Melvin Belli - Melvin was a prominent American lawyer who had many celebrity clients.
What president named the most Supreme Court justices?
a. George Washington
b. Franklin D Roosevelt
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. Andrew Jackson
George Washington - Washington served as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the
American Revolutionary War.

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