Grand Slam VIIGeneral Trivia Questions - Printable General Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
Conjunctivitis is the medical name for what ailment?
Facing MT Rushmore, which president is furthest left?
What drink, when invented, and was first marketed as the esteemed
brain tonic and intellectual beverage?
What 39th President declared the Sunday after Labor Day
"Grandparents Day?"
What unit of area is equal to 43,560 square feet?
What team did Shaquille O'Neil play for before joining the LA
What US State has a picture of the Big Dipper on its flag?
What British Queen was the first to appear on an official postage
What western did Clint Eastwood win best director for?
Name the title and the artist who created a painting of clocks
melting on a beach.
What movie did Hillary Swank win her first academy award for?
In what decade did the battle of the Alamo take place?
The Charles Dickens Novel, A Tale of Two Cities was about which two
An Eagle can be found on the Mexican flag, what is the other?
In bowling, how many strikes make up a perfect game?
Who did Billy Jean King beat in the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis
What Jewelry company designed the Superbowl Trophy?
What college football team is called "The Boilermakers"?
In which film does the character Oddjob appear?
What musical term means to gradually increase volume?
In what film did Jim Carrey co-star with Cameron Diaz?
In what year was the Rabies vaccine invented?
What country is Grolsch lager from?
What unit are used to measure sound intensity?
In what country is Acapulco?

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