Grand Slam IVGeneral
Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Position your cursor over the question
mark found beside each question for the answer.
What actor
appeared in 9 of the 10 movies he directed between 1980
and 1990?
What percentage
of alcohol is found in 80 proof whiskey?
Who said one
day before being killed in 1968 "I'm not worried about
anything? I'm not fearing any man."?
Marvin Lee Aday
is the real name of what singer/actor?
What is the
name of the convenience store in Springfield on the
Simpsons TV show?
What 1995
blockbuster movie was created by the computer animation
company, Pixar?
What 1979
Sugarhill Gang song was the first rap tune to appear on
the Billboard Top 40 Pop Chart?
What was the
48th state admitted to the union?
What 1977 movie
opened with the Bee Gees song "Stayin Alive"?
What boxer lit
the Olympic flame for the games in Atlanta, Georgia?
Which month was
named after the Roman God of War?
Which zodiac
sign lies between Scorpio and Capricorn?
Radiophobia is
the fear of what?
What country
lies directly east of Chile?
On the A-Team,
what did the letters B and A stand for in team member BA
According to
legend, who was the father of Sir Galahad?
Who was the
first man to win 2 Oscars in the 90's?
In what year
did Mike Tyson bite Evander Holyfield's ear?
On what Beatles
album could you find the songs Eleanor Rigby, Here there
and Everywhere, Good Day Sunshine, Taxman and Got to get
you into my life?
In what year
was the Ice Cream cone introduced at the World’s fair?
What is the
capital of Canada?
What color is
the star on a Texaco sign?
Who did John
Belushi play in the movie the Blues Brothers?
What Jim Carrey
movie featured the debut of Cameron Diaz?
What baseball
team won 10 straight division titles in the 1990's but
only 1 championship?

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