Grab Bag #12Free Trivia Questions and Answers - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How many red stripes are there on the American flag?
Seven - There are six white stripes.
The Edmund Fitzgerald sank in which Great Lake in 1975?
Superior - Immortalized in song by Gorden Lightfoot
What literary character lives at 221b Baker Street?
Sherlock Holmes - Holmes relaxes by playing the violin.
On the TV show 'Baretta', what was the name of his pet bird?
Fred - Fred was a cockatoo.
Batman sometimes relies on information from a computer wizard. What is her nickname?
Oracle - Before she was oracle, she was batgirl.
Which is the largest country in South America?
Brazil - Brazil takes up nearly half the continent.
In what city was Ben Franklin born?
Boston, Mass. - He was born in Jan. 17 1706.
Which of these is NOT a legitimate roman numeral - XXX, CCC or LLL?
LLL - Since L = 50, 150 would be CL
In the 1950s, the NFL experimented with a new football that was what color?
White - It showed up better on black and white tv.
How is a NCAA football different from an NFL football?
Stripes - An NCAA football has a stripe at each end.
Which of these groups was the last to be given the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections - District of Columbia Residents, African-Americans or Women?
District of Columbia Residents - They were given the right in 1961 - 23rd amendment.
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