Grab Bag VFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How many know species of jumping spiders are there?
4,809 - The family of jumping spiders is called the Salticidae and some can jump over 50 times their own body length.
What is the world’s largest snake?
Reticulated python - The reticulated python is 10.7 meters long.
What element has the highest melting point?
Carbon - Carbons melting point is 6,381 degrees Fahrenheit.
What was the name of the first unmanned moon landing?
Lunik 2 - Lunik landed on Sept. 14, 1959.
How long is an African elephant pregnant for?
660 days - The African elephant has the longest gestation period.
What baseball player holds the record for most games in a career?
Pete Rose - Pete Rose played a record 3,562 games and also holds the record for most times at bat.
Who won the Stanley Cup in 1993?
Montreal Canadians - The Montreal Canadians hold the record for winning the Stanley Cup the most times at 23.
Who has won the Stanley Cup the most times?
Montreal - Montreal has one the Stanley Cup 23 time
What was the most expensive drawing ever sold?
Danseuse au Repos - Danseuse au Repos was drawn by Edgar Degas and sold for 25,800,000 (US) dollars.
How tall is the tallest Temple in the world?
173 meters - The Chicago Methodist Temple was built in 1924 and is the world’s largest Temple or church.
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