Grab Bag IIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Where is the highest waterfall located?
Venezuela - The highest waterfall is Angel falls and is 3,212 feet.
What is the largest country to be named after somebody?
USA - The US was named after Amerigo Vespucci who was born in Italy 1451-1512.
Where is the location of tallest communication tower?
Toronto - The tallest communication tower is the CN Tower at 1,821 feet.
What is the world’s largest city?
Tokyo - Tokyo is in Japan and has an estimated population of 34,700,000.
What country has the longest coastline?
Canada - Canada’s coastline is 151,485 miles long.
What is the world’s heaviest carnivore?
Southern elephant seal - The southern elephant seal is found in the sub-Antarctic
In what country are most divers attacked by sharks?
United States - Most of the divers were attacked by the Great White.
What is the world’s deadliest snake?
Black Mamba - If you are bitten by a black mamba odds of death are 90-100 percent.
What is the world’s deadliest spider?
Banana spider - The banana spider can be found in central and south
What was the first planet to be visited by a spacecraft?
Venus - Venus was visited on May 19, 1961 by Venera 1.
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