Geography Trivia Questions XIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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What state has a region in a separate time zone that is known
pejoratively as "South Alabama" and "the Redneck Rivera"?
a. Louisiana
b. Texas
c. Florida
d. Arkansas
On "You Bet Your Life," Groucho Marx often asked losers "Who is
buried in Grant's Tomb?" so that they could get $50. Which of these would be a wrong answer?
a. Strictly speaking, nobody is "buried" in a tomb
b. Lou Grant
c. Ulysses Grant
d. Julia Grant
It's just 33 miles to the east, and it's the closest state capital
to the national capital. What is it?
a. Richmond
b. Annapolis
c. Baltimore
d. Dover
What US state has the longest land border with Canada?
a. New York
b. Alaska
c. Montana
d. Michigan
In 1821, American seal hunter John Davis became the first person
known to have set foot on what territory?
a. Antarctic
b. Pitcairn Island
c. Easter Island
d. Greenland
Oman and Brunei are the only two countries in the world led by
people with which title?
a. Ayatollah
b. Sultan
c. Emir
d. Duke
According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, what "fiery"
place would be your safest bet if the world were consumed in a thermonuclear holocaust?
a. Tierra del Fuego
b. Pitcairn Island
c. Fire Island, New York
d. Easter Island
In world geography, the "U" in both the UAR and the UAE was for
"United". What was the "A" for?
a. Arab
b. Asian
c. American
d. African
Imagine the UN takes a vote to decide which continent rocks
hardest. Based on the number of countries per continent, who will win?
a. Africa
b. South America
c. Asia
d. Europe
Victoria Falls is found on the Zambezi River, on the border of what
two Z-countries?
a. Zambia and Zaire
b. Zimbabwe and Zaire
c. Zimbabwe and Zambia
d. Zambezi and Zaire
Excluding Macau, which is now part of China, what 2-sq-km country
has the world's highest population density?
a. Monaco
b. Singapore
c. Vatican City
d. Malta
It seems Italy's flag was personally designed by somebody, who took
France's flag and replaced the blue stripe with a green one. Who would this be?
a. Charlemagne
b. Napoleon
c. Mussolini
d. Michelangelo
What northernmost set of British islands is so far north that the
inhabitants are the Scandinavians who ran the place until the 1400s?
a. Orkneys
b. Shetlands
c. Hebrides
d. Channel
Despite having no Indian reservations, what state has America's
largest Indian population?
a. Oklahoma
b. California
c. Alaska
d. Arizona
In cartography, what is a bunny?
a. A fake item on a map, used to protect copyright
b. A feature with no established name
c. The compass that indicates north
d. That thing that indicates scale

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