General Trivia Quiz Questions VIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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The birthstone for January is the Garnet. What color is the January
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Yellow
What was the name of the panda in the movie Kung Fu Panda?
a. Po
b. Meeko
c. Mushi
d. Ping
Which British King is believed to have killed his nephews in the
tower of London?
a. Richard III
b. Charles I
c. Charles II
d. Albert
Where would you go to see a three toed sloth in the wild?
a. Brazil
b. Egypt
c. Ethiopia
d. Norway
The Gulf of Aden connects which two bodies of water?
a. The Red Sea and the Arabian Sea
b. The Caspian Sea and the Indian Ocean
c. The Dead Sea and Sea of Japan
d. The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea
Which of these baseball players was not a pitcher?
a. Yogi Berra
b. Sandy Koufax
c. Pedro Martinez
d. Brian Lawrence
Which rock and roll legend teamed up with Stephen King to create
Ghost Brothers of Darkland County?
a. Phil Collins
b. Elton John
c. John Mellencamp
d. Byran Adams
What is the capital of Chile?
a. Cairo
b. Santiago
c. Oslo
d. Lima
What animal would you see in a flange?
a. Blackbird
b. Baboon
c. Anchovy
d. Hippopotamus
If you were born in September, what would your birthstone be?
a. Garnet
b. Sapphire
c. Opal
d. Peridot
Who was the fifth President of the United States?
a. John Tyler
b. John Adams
c. James Monroe
d. William Henry Harrison
Who created the paintings entitled, The Night Watch and The Three
a. Moet
b. Thompson
c. Rembrandt
d. Picasso
The American Robin is the official bird of which State?
a. Connecticut
b. South Dakota
c. Iowa
d. Kansas
When was the film Gone with the Wind released?
a. 1947
b. 1939
c. 1933
d. 1952
The characters of Tanis, Raistlin, Flint and Caramon are from which
a. Dragons of Autumn Twilight
b. Dune
c. A Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
d. Lord of the Rings

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