General Knowledge Trivia Questions XLIXFree Trivia Questions -
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As of 2013, who is the CEO of McDonald's?
a. David C. Novak
b. Robert Kroc
c. Donald Thompson
d. Daniel Akerson
Donald Thompson - McDonald's serves about 68 million people every day.
Who discovered Easter Island?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. James Cook
c. Sebastian Cabot
d. Jacob Roggeveen
Jacob Roggeveen - Jacob discovered the Island on Easter, hence its name.
Which of these islands is owned by Australia?
a. Fiji
b. Tasmania
c. Java
d. Easter Island
Tasmania - This island is located about 240 km off the coast of Australia.
What TV show competition did Terry Fator win?
a. America's Got Talent
b. Britain's Got Talent
c. Dancing With the Stars
d. American Idol
America's Got Talent - Terry is a ventriloquist. He appeared on this show in 2007.
Which band described the world as having tangerine trees and
marmalade skies?
a. Yes
b. Rush
c. The Beatles
d. Cream
The Beatles - This description is in the song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
What was the Count of Monte Cristo's real name?
a. Rene D'Herblay
b. Phillip Richelieu
c. Alexander Dumas
d. Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes - Published in 1844, the novel was written by Alexander Dumas.
Who created the sculpture "The Discus Thrower"?
a. Michelangelo
b. Unknown
c. Leonardo de Vinci
d. Praxitelean
Unknown - The original bronze work was lost, but there are numerous copies.
What kind of dog was Benji?
a. Shy Terrier
b. Bichon
c. Mutt
d. Jack Russell Terrier
Mutt - Benji was a fictional dog who starred in many films starting in 1974.
What board game was a favorite of Humphrey Bogart?
a. Checkers
b. Scrabble
c. Chess
d. Risk
Chess - Bogart was a famous actor whose work's included Casablanca and The Enforcer.
Which of these animals is not naive to Australia?
a. Kangaroo
b. Three-toed sloth
c. Koala
d. Emu
Three-toed sloth - The three-toed sloth is native to South and Central America.
Belmopan is the capital of which nation?
a. Ethiopia
b. Belize
c. Ecuador
d. Cambodia
Belize - Belize is a small nation in Central America.
Where is Krakatau?
a. East River
b. The Sunda Strait
c. Cabot Strait
d. The Bering Strait
The Sunda Strait - Located between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra, Krakatau or Krakatoa is a
volcanic island.
In the rhyme "Humpty Dumpty", who tries to put Humpty back
together again?
a. The baker
b. The Dish and the Spoon
c. The king's men
d. The cobbler
The king's men - According to the rhyme, all the king's horses and all the king's men were unable to put
Humpty back together.
In which famous novel would you find the characters Heathcliff
and Mr. Lockwood?
a. The Great Gatsby
b. A Tale of Two Cities
c. Oliver Twist
d. Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights - Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte.
What does an optometrist deal with?
a. Eyes
b. Skin
c. Teeth
d. Babies
Eyes - A dermatologist is a 'skin' doctor.

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