General Knowledge Trivia Questions XLIFree Trivia Questions -
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Founded in 1694, nationalized in 1946 and let loose again in
1997, what country's central bank is known as the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street?
a. Bank of England
b. Bank of Japan
c. US Federal Reserve
d. Swiss National Bank
Bank of England - Only Sweden has an older central bank, although until 1946, the Bank of England was
owned by private shareholders.
The first American prisons of this type were in Marion,
Illinois, and in Florence, Colorado. What type?
a. Insane asylum
b. Terrorist detention facility
c. Supermax
d. Club Fed
Supermax - The Marion prison was built to replace Alcatraz, but is no longer a Supermax.
The Anne of Green Gables books are set in what fictional PEI
community, based on the very real Cavendish?
a. Mariposa
b. Kicking Horse Pass
c. Charlottetown
d. Avonlea
Avonlea - Lucy Maud Montgomery based the novel on her experiences growing up with her grandma in
Also called the North Atlantic Drift, what ocean current brings
warm water from the Caribbean to Newfoundland's Grand Banks to western Europe?
a. Horse latitudes
b. Gulf Stream
c. El Nino
d. Humboldt Current
Gulf Stream - The Gulf Stream explains why European ports are warmer than North American ones at the
same latitude.
Aibo from Sony was a robotic version of what pet?
a. Cat
b. Turtle
c. Dog
d. Fish
Dog - Sony's Aibo means 'companion' in Japanese, but the soccer-playing robot dog's name is also an
acronym for Artificial Intelligence Bot.
In the early 1970s, phone phreakers learned they could get free
long-distance calls by blowing a whistle toy found in boxes of which of these foods?
a. Cap'n Crunch
b. Gummi Bears
c. Hostess Potato Chips
d. Cracker Jack
Cap'n Crunch - It produced the 2600 hertz frequency used by the analog phone switches of the day.
Strictly speaking, even though a prostitute gets paid, she's
also an "amateur", since the word comes from the Latin "amator". What does amator mean?
a. Experienced
b. Expert
c. Criminal
d. Lover
Lover - An amateur does something for love, not money.
When this racquet sport was added to the Olympics in 1992,
Indonesia won the first gold medals, which in fact were its first ever gold medals. What was the sport?
a. Tennis
b. Squash
c. Table tennis
d. Badminton
Badminton - Indonesia's medals have almost all been in women's weightlifting and in badminton.
What is genuine Morocco leather made from?
a. Calf
b. Horse
c. Goat
d. Sheep
Goat - It is goatskin tanned with sumac.
What child of a rock star was appointed chief designer at the
French couture house Chloe in March 1997?
a. Jakob Dylan
b. Zowie Bowie
c. Jade Jagger
d. Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney - Her buddies Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss modeled her clothes at her graduation show
at London's Central St Martin's College of Art and Design.
The jackal-headed Anubis was the lord of the underworld, judge
of souls and the god of embalming in whose mythology?
a. Phoenician
b. Egyptian
c. Celtic
d. Norse
Egyptian - The death god Anubis was the son of Nile god Osiris and fertility goddess Isis, and the
nephew of Seth.
What name is shared by a Mercedes-Benz tractor, a Nissan truck
and a Leyland double-decker bus?
a. Titan
b. Tundra
c. Pathfinder
d. Tacoma
Titan - It was also the name of a group of really large Greek gods.
Long before it was a tasty Nabisco treat, who was Lorna Doone?
a. The hero of Richard Blackmore's 'Romance of Exmoor'
b. A Scottish warrior who fought with Robert the Bruce
c. The 'Lady in the Lake' from whom Arthur got his sword
d. Queen Victoria's personal baker
The hero of Richard Blackmore's 'Romance of Exmoor' - He set the 1869 romance in seventeenth-century
In 1956, 26 Africanized killer bees escaped from a breeding lab
in what country and headed north toward Texas?
a. Nigeria
b. Brazil
c. Gabon
d. Cuba
Brazil - The bee is known scientifically as Apis mellifera scutellata.
In what river are you most likely to spot the pink river
dolphin, also known as a tucuxi or a buffeo?
a. Amazon
b. Mississippi
c. Congo
d. Yangtze
Amazon - It is also found in the Orinoco.

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