General Knowledge Trivia Questions E61Free Trivia Questions -
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Which of these actor's sons was convicted of murder?
a. Carroll O’Connor
b. Marlon Brando
c. John Wayne
d. Al Pacino
Marlon Brando - Marlon son Christian was convicted of murder in 1990.
"Think" was a tagline used by which company?
a. Dell
b. IBM
c. Canon
d. Apple
IBM - IBM has also used the slogan 'Solutions for a small planet'.
Which pop music star's real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson?
a. Katy Perry
b. Rihanna
c. Lady Gaga
d. Miley Cyrus
Katy Perry - Katy adopted her stage name in 2007.
Which country owns Bananal Island?
a. Italy
b. China
c. France
d. Brazil
Brazil - This Island is 7,400 square miles.
The Allnat, the Cullinan and the Darya-ye Noor are all what?
a. Islands
b. Stars
c. Diamonds
d. Flowers
Diamonds - The Star of Africa was cut from the Cullinan Diamond.
What was the name of Al Pacino's character in Scent of a Woman?
a. Harry Havemeyer
b. Frank Slade
c. Charlie Simms
d. George Willis
Frank Slade - Lieutenant Colonel Frank was blind.
Which country owns Hokkaido?
a. China
b. Russia
c. Japan
d. Iran
Japan - Hokkaido is Japan's second largest island.
Gordon and Irish are what kind of dogs?
a. Terriers
b. Pointers
c. Setters
d. Spaniels
Setters - There are also Red and White Setters.
Igor I and Rurik ruled which nation?
a. Estonia
b. Austria-Hungary
c. Germany
d. Russia
Russia - Rurik was the first Russian ruler. He held the title Prince of Novgorod.
Huascaran is a mountain located in which nation?
a. Russia
b. Canada
c. Switzerland
d. Peru
Peru - Huascaran is located in the Cordillera Blanca.
Little Rock is the capital of which American State?
a. Idaho
b. Iowa
c. Georgia
d. Arkansas
Arkansas - Littlerock is located in Pulaski County.
When did India gain its independence?
a. 1947
b. 1955
c. 1905
d. 1878
1947 - India celebrates Independence Day on the 15th of August.
What kind of toy did Gary Dahl invent?
a. Hula-hoop
b. Silly putty
c. Pet rock
d. Slinky
Pet rock - This absurd toy made Gary a millionaire.
Which car company once used the slogan "Keeping ahead through
a. General Motors
b. Honda
c. Toyota
d. Volkswagen
Volkswagen - Volkswagen also used the slogan 'never follow'.
Which country do the characters visit in the movie "Apocalypse
a. South Korea
b. Cambodia
c. China
d. Laos
Cambodia - The film is set during the Vietnam War.
Who played the part of Henry the Eighth on the television
mini-series "The Tudors"?
a. Jonathon Rhys Meyers
b. Anthony Brophy
c. James Frain
d. Guy Carleton
Jonathon Rhys Meyers - All of these actors were in the series.
The character Hamlet (William Shakespeare) was the King of
which nation?
a. Italy
b. The Netherlands
c. Great Britain
d. Denmark
Denmark - Hamlet opens in the Danish Royal Castle, Elsinore.
If you were watching Mike Bossy, what sport would you be
a. Hockey
c. Tennis
d. Golf
Hockey - Mike Bossy played right wing.
Madonna once belonged to which of the following bands?
a. The Sugarcubes
b. My Bloody Valentine
c. Divinyls
d. The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club - Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide.
If you wanted to see "Masada", which country would you have to
a. Israel
b. Japan
c. Sudan
d. Chile
Israel - Masada is Israel's most popular tourist attraction.

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