General Knowledge Trivia Questions #55Free Trivia Questions -
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Which of these African countries is landlocked?
a. Algeria
b. South Africa
c. Sudan
d. Chad
Chad - The capital of Chad is N’Djamena.
Who wrote the classic novel "The Old Man and the Sea"?
a. Arthur miller
b. Lewis Carroll
c. Robert Service
d. Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway - The novel was written in 1951.
Which explorer conquered the Incan Empire?
a. Amerigo
b. Pizarro
c. Cook
d. Cabot
Pizarro - Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez was born in the 1470s.
What is the name of Prince Charles' second wife?
a. Beatrice
b. Sarah
c. Diana
d. Camilla
Camilla - Charles and Camilla married in 2005.
Roger Daltry was the lead singer for which rock supergroup?
a. Genesis
b. Pink Floyd
c. The Who
d. Lead Zeppelin
The Who - The band also included Pete Townsend, Keith moon and John Entwistle.
The song "My Favorite Things" is from which musical film?
a. White Christmas
b. My Fair Lady
c. Singing in the Rain
d. The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music - Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote the song.
Where is the Seven Mile Bridge located?
a. Tokyo
b. Paris
c. Vienna
d. Florida
Florida - This bridge can be found in the Florida Keys.
According to the nursery rhyme, where is Little Boy Blue?
a. Sitting in the corner
b. Climbing up a hill
c. On the other side of the mountain
d. Under the Haystack
Under the Haystack - Little Boy Blue is supposed to be watching the sheep.
Which of these bones is in the human skull?
a. Mandible
b. Scapula
c. Sternum
d. Tibia
Mandible - The mandible is the lower jaw.
If you were watching Bill Shoemaker perform, what sport would
you be watching?
a. Golf
b. Tennis
c. Horseracing
d. Boxing
Horseracing - Bill Shoemaker had 8,833 wins during his long career as a jockey.
Which sport uses the terms crest, blunt, nock and point?
a. Bobsledding
b. Rowing
c. Tennis
d. Archery
Archery - Archery is an Olympic sport.
What kind of creature was Bilbo Baggins?
a. Hobbit
b. Dwarf
c. Halfling
d. Elf
Hobbit - Bilbo is a character found in the classic novels by J. R. R. Tolkien.
What is the Roman numeral for 500?
a. M
b. X
c. D
d. C
D - M is the Roman numeral for 1000.
In what book do we read, "Then we said to the children of
Israel - Dwell in the land, and when the promise of the hereafter will be fulfilled, we shall bring you as a
crowd gathered out of various nations"?
a. Harry Potter
b. Revelation
c. Koran
d. Exodus
Koran - Many insist this means that Allah meant for the Jews to have Israel.
If "Hail to the Chief" greets the president, who is hailed with
Congressman Joseph Hopkinson's song "Hail, Columbia"?
a. The vice-president
b. The Supreme Court Chief Justice
c. The Speaker of the House
d. The Postmaster General
The vice-president - The song was written for Washington's 1789 inauguration.

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