Fun Facts Trivia Quiz #5Free Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What did Queen Elizabeth do during WWI?
a. Flew planes
b. Worked with the coast guard
c. Worked as a mechanic
d. Worked as a candy striper
Worked as a mechanic - The Queen worked with the Auxiliary Territorial Service.
How many people have died in the US while shaking vending
machines since 1978?
a. 37
b. 26
c. 9
d. 52
37 - Most were attempting to get their purchase out of the machine.
How much did the world's largest pumpkin weigh?
a. 1866 pounds
b. 1903 pounds
c. 2009 pounds
d. 1785 pounds
2009 pounds - This record was set in 2012.
How many packs of cigarettes would you have to smoke to get the
equivalent of one day of breathing in Mumbai?
a. 5 packs
b. 1 pack
c. Half a pack
d. 2.5 packs
2.5 packs - Mumbai used to be called Bombay.
Who is credited with introducing the first computer mouse to
the world?
a. Dr. Douglas Engelbart
b. Steve Wozniak
c. Konrad Kuse
d. Steve Jobs
Dr. Douglas Engelbart - Dr. Douglas Engelbart made the introduction in 1968.
Which plant gives us tea?
a. Flax
b. Bamboo
c. Nightshade
d. Camellia Sinesis
Camellia Sinesis - The Camellia Sinensis plant gives us green, white and black tea.
Which western developed Xbox video game was the first to break
into the top 10 in the Japanese games chart?
a. Black Ops
b. Fall out
c. Far Cry
d. Gears of War
Gears of War - This game made its debut at number seven.
Which of these materials is a traditional roof material in
a. Terra cotta bricks
b. Tin
c. Straw
d. Turf
Turf - The turf roofs help to stabilise the house.
According to recent studies, how long does it take the average
person to forgive someone who has emotionally hurt them?
a. 6-8 months
b. One year
c. Five years
d. 2-3 weeks
6-8 months - Although many people can forgive, they normally do not forget.
In what year was the F-word first used in the movies?
a. 1961
b. 1968
c. 1957
d. 1974
1968 - The word was first heard in the movie 'I'll Never Forget Whatshisname?'
Which of these cities, and its surrounding area, has more
people than the entire population of Canada?
a. Rome
b. Mexico
c. Houston
d. Tokyo
Tokyo - The population of Canada is just under thirty-five million.
What is considered the world's most haunted doll?
a. Mandy
b. Robert
c. Annabelle
d. Tina
Robert - You can purchase 'haunted dolls' on eBay.
Which of these items was issued to British pilots during WWII?
a. A yoyo
b. A deck of cards
c. A slinky
d. A Frisbee
A deck of cards - The pilots could soak the cards to reveal a map underneath.
How many eyes does the tuatara lizard have?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. 0
3 - The tuatara lizard is native to New Zealand.
The character Mario was named after the Nintendo of America's
a. Landlord
b. Lawyer
c. Dog
d. Brother
Landlord - The character was named after Mario Segali.

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