Fun Facts Trivia Quiz #4General Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What are gorillas?
a. Herbivores
b. Diurnal
c. Omnivores
d. Carnivores
Herbivores - Gorillas live in family groups.
What kind of snake is the world's heaviest?
a. Adder
b. Python
c. Asp
d. Green anaconda
Green anaconda - The green anaconda can weigh up to 550 pounds.
What animal sounds were used for the velociraptors in the movie
Jurassic Park?
a. Komodo dragons
b. Tortoises
c. Whales
d. Crickets
Tortoises - The noises were recordings of mating tortoises.
The world record holder, how many times has Myra Franklin
watched the Sound of Music?
a. 835
b. 940
c. 762
d. 940
940 - The Sound of Music was released in 1965.
Why do some potatoes have green patches?
a. The kind of potato
b. Overuse of fertilizer
c. Growing above the soil
d. Mold
Growing above the soil - Growers refer to this as sunscald.
According to many posts found on the Internet, which Disney
movie has the word "Sex" written in the sky?
a. Tarzan
b. Tangled
c. The Lion King
d. Mulan
The Lion King - Disney says that the letters spell SFX.
Whose favorite bible passage was "It is easier for a camel to
go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."?
a. Martin Luther King
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Pope John Paul II
d. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley - This passage can be found in Mathew 19.24.
How many pet owners claim to have talked to their pet on the
a. 1 in 3
b. 1 in 5
c. 1 in 20
d. 1 in 10
1 in 3 - Cats are the number one pet in the United States.
According to researchers, why do otters hold hands while
a. To make themselves look larger to predators
b. Indicates a bonded pair
c. Love
d. To stay together
To stay together - By holding hands, the otters will not float away from each other.
Who wrote the novel "Interview with a Vampire"?
a. Anne Rice
b. Orson Wells
c. Dean Koontz
d. Edgar Rice Burroughs
Anne Rice - Anne was originally upset when she learned that Tom Cruise had been cast as Lestat.
What did a person mail that weighed 40,000-tons?
a. A tank
b. A train engine
c. A plane
d. A house
A house - It is now illegal to mail houses in America.
Where would you find a Wandering Spider?
a. Thailand
b. Brazil
c. Iran
d. Kenya
Brazil - The Wandering Spider is one of the deadliest spiders in the world.
How much can a Gallipolis Tortoise weigh?
a. 800 pounds
b. 200 pounds
c. 75 pounds
d. 500 pounds
800 pounds - These enormous reptiles can live for 170 years.
How many times will the average person walk around the world
during their life?
a. 11
b. 1
c. 7
d. 5
5 - The Earth's circumference is 40,075 km. Make sure you have a good pair of shoes.
Who gets more speeding tickets?
a. Seniors
b. Teenagers
c. Women
d. Men
Men - Men get more tickets, but women are more likely to contest them.
What could you power with your brain's energy?
a. A light bulb
b. A television
c. A microwave
d. A toaster
A light bulb - Your brain generates between 10 and 23 watts of power.

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