Fun Facts Trivia Quiz E10Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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How long would you have to sit still for the very first camera?
a. Thirty seconds b. 8 hours c. Twenty minutes d. One hour
8 hours - Maybe this is why there are so few early pictures.
Which country's Navy consists of a single tugboat?
a. Bolivia b. Denmark c. Ethiopia d. Mongolia
Mongolia - There are seven men who operate the craft.
Which country's employers might ask for a blood test?
a. Afghanistan b. Columbia c. Mexico d. Japan
Japan - Employers sometimes hand out assignments based on a person's blood type.
What kind of bones would Druids throw into the fire on Samhain?
a. Human b. Wolf c. Bat d. Cow
Cow - They believed this sacrifice would ensure that the sun would return.
Which Halloween food was used as a fortune telling game?
a. Popcorn balls b. Pumpkin pie c. Candy Corn d. Barmbrack
Barmbrack - People would bake various ingredients into the bread.
John Tyler was which President?
a. The twenty-third b. The fifth c. The sixteenth d. The tenth
The tenth - John was elected in 1841.
In 1949, what caused Big Ben to fall behind?
a. Broken cog b. A fire c. The War d. Birds
Birds - Hundreds of Starlings landed on the hands of the clock, causing Ben to fall behind.
Which animal has the warmest pelt?
a. Polar bear b. Lemming c. Arctic fox d. Harbor seal
Arctic fox - Arctic Fox can endure temperatures below -50 Celsius.
Which disease cost Captain Cook forty-one men?
a. Polio b. Tuberculosis c. Small pox d. Scurvy
Scurvy - Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C.
What creature gets cars to break nuts for them?
a. Crow b. Chipmunk c. Squirrel d. Raccoon
Crow - The crow is considered to be the fifth smartest creature.
Which army tied bombs to the backs of dogs during WWII?
a. Greek b. German c. British d. Russian
Russian - The dogs were trained to run under German tanks.
Approximately, how many slaves are there in India?
a. Zero b. 500 thousand c. 1 million d. 14 million
14 million - It is estimated that there are more than 30 million slaves in the world today.
If you killed your father in ancient Rome, which of these creatures would not be involved in your punishment?
a. Viper b. Rooster c. Dog d. Scorpion
Scorpion - These creatures would be placed inside a sack with you.
Where is the world's "widest" tree located?
a. Mexico b. French Guyana c. America d. Sweden
Mexico - The oldest, tallest and biggest trees can be found in California.
Which of these animals has no vocal chords?
a. Dog b. Monkey c. Cat d. Giraffe
Giraffe - The giraffe communicates by vibrating the air around its neck.
How much money would the famous chariot racer Gaius Diocles have made in today's money?
a. 15 billion b. 5 billion c. 17 million d. 40 billion
15 billion - One of the few charioteers not to die, Diocles retired at the age of 42.
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